Just this random thought...


Well-Known Member
Has Team9000 changed any of you on a more... I don't know, non-feelzy kinda way? Something more fundamental such as... Oh, I don't know, grammar and the way and tone you take with people you don't know? Especially over the internet?

My grammar and my attitude towards other people online has changed so much over the two years I've been here.

Many of my older threads I'm just embarrassed to look back it, it's pretty sickening. I don't know what was going through my head back then but I was just an illiterate douche. (I'd like to think I'm not now...)
Espically this one ;( :https://www.team9000.net/threads/this-is-my-engie-promo-app-lol-jk-ideal-engieneer-discussion.11208/

I just wonder if any of you have experienced this yourselves.
I had an incredibly horrible temper and absolutely no control over my anger. So naturally I was an amazing choice for a moderator!

Interestingly, being a moderator on Team9000's Classic Minecraft server, did not involve me becoming a banning machine of death. Instead, it just taught me to manage my anger so I'm not flipping out on every person in existence. Mostly because I wanted to be a good moderator, and also sliiightly because I knew doing that wouldn't do so well for my existence on the server.

So, yeah, I eventually ended up an admin, which clearly shows I came a long way from where I was. I now am extremely hard to make angry (unless you do certain stupid things).

However if you do manage to make me angry, I WILL become a giant death machine powered by raw bitchnium. So don't try >.>
I was sillier than normal kinda...I still am silly just not as much.
DESPITE that I left T9k like 3 freaking times...nothing much has changed for me c: I'm still the same old DarkPrime25.

I dunno, there was something about this place that just made me want to be part of. And that did show in Minecraft Classic mode. I managed to become and Engineer and loved helping people and stuff. And I still want to do that! So perhaps T9k changed how I handle things. I do it more maturely now (unlike my retarded 15 year old self 3 years ago).
Has Team9000 changed any of you on a more... I don't know, non-feelzy kinda way? Something more fundamental such as... Oh, I don't know, grammar and the way and tone you take with people you don't know? Especially over the internet?

My grammar and my attitude towards other people online has changed so much over the two years I've been here.

Many of my older threads I'm just embarrassed to look back it, it's pretty sickening. I don't know what was going through my head back then but I was just an illiterate douche. (I'd like to think I'm not now...)
Espically this one ;( :https://www.team9000.net/threads/this-is-my-engie-promo-app-lol-jk-ideal-engieneer-discussion.11208/

I just wonder if any of you have experienced this yourselves.
Don't feel embarrassed by that at all Kris. You were an incredibly literate and able person then and now. For me, I didn't see a pathetic lesser Kris, rather, you made major improvements in your writing conventions and increased your learning capacity in general. It was a learned experienced, not a failure :thumbsup:
I had an incredibly horrible temper and absolutely no control over my anger. So naturally I was an amazing choice for a moderator!

Interestingly, being a moderator on Team9000's Classic Minecraft server, did not involve me becoming a banning machine of death. Instead, it just taught me to manage my anger so I'm not flipping out on every person in existence. Mostly because I wanted to be a good moderator, and also sliiightly because I knew doing that wouldn't do so well for my existence on the server.

So, yeah, I eventually ended up an admin, which clearly shows I came a long way from where I was. I now am extremely hard to make angry (unless you do certain stupid things).

However if you do manage to make me angry, I WILL become a giant death machine powered by raw bitchnium. So don't try >.>
Patchy the Pirate
*flies away to another continent*
I've definitely improved on dealing with ignorant/rude/close-minded people without exploding. So similar to Patch, it's hard to make me angry, unless you try and then I'll explode and you'll regret it. x3 But I'm really grateful that this community actually has taught me something <3 <3
When I first came into the Team9000 Classic Server(literally my first experience with Minecraft), I was astounded and loved the place and the potential for me there but I couldn't believe how much of a noob I was though. I wanted to fix griefs to try to help out but was told not to and then I became so confused, I was frustrated. I didn't understand the process of the rules then, albeit I read it. There were times when my builds were griefed and I wanted to fix them so badly but couldn't, boy was I unhappy with it all. Yet, Team9000 still continues to captivate my attention inward no matter what and I learned a thing or two since then. As for my grammer pfft, who needs it?
Ohhhhh yeaaahhh. When i just first started out on classic, i don't really remember a lot of my grammar, though i do remember what Uni said regarding me, which always makes me feel special :3

Unismurfsity: To be remembered as a guest you either have to have really good grammar skills or be Mighty

I have never felt so special. (that was when i was an awesome)

I do remember however, that when i couldn't upload screenshots to get promoted, i argued a lot. but i always held my ground.
I really think that when i became builder was really my turning point in attitude, because of a lot of reasons. The Biggest ones i think was i felt i had more responsibility because of the new powers i could use, and how the other builders acted.

I dunno if they'd agree to this or not, but when i became builder, Alyyiah and i kinda watched over them, keeping them in line; we were the "go to guys" for any problems a builder had. WHen Alyyiah was promoted, i more or less took on the 'responsibility' of being the builders keeper, and they always listened to me/what i had to say. All the while my grammar/attitude towards everyone grew to be more respectful, but more relaxed, if that makes sense.

Point is, ever since builder rank (if i could give my t9k time a starting point in when my grammar changed) my grammar improved. greatly.

nowadays, i love to talk how i do irl, mostly with the "brohahs, broskis, brahskis" etc..

but i couldn't be happier :3
Team9000 is a long and epic journey of one Australian's discovery of internet tropes

Vorsprung as we know me was catalyzed in the embryonic guest to cool thread
Notice the brown nosing and poor syntax - those were unbridled years for sure
Early Vorsprung posts were punctuated by a severe lack of substance and / or knowledge of how the world works
This period which I like to call "the Spambrian" was only the start of an illustrious and embarrassing virtual career
This was brought to a head with Koodle's buttrage regarding my useless
This brought on stimulation and transformation in the mind of one Vorsprung
Eventually Vorsprung adopted the alter-ego of the Pyro from Team Fortress 2
This was inherently a bad idea as for the next few years he would be laughed at and jollied through the tropes regarding this character
His masculinity was called into question multiple times and he resulted with image macros
These were a lawless time where the quality of conversation on T9K was far worse
Vorsprung developed quite an ego and became known for his sexual references and cliques of like-minded individuals
A good example of this is this thread where Vorsprung makes some rather lewd suggestions
This is embarrassing for the author
Around April 2012 My Little Pony became prevalent on T9K and initially, Vorsprung was nonplussed
He partook in occasional policing regarding equine images but this was the breadth of it
That example shows tolerance, and RSMV having a cry. This is largely demonstrative of a perfect universe
As time progressed, Vorsprung became less tolerant of ponies and more incoherent
He revelled in his notoriety and did shit like this
What even is that. Why does he think he's cool
Then he got banned twice for not showing restraint
For the most part people missed him
He had moments of glory but mainly continued to be a useless fuck
As time progressed, he has matured.
The standard of his wit has improved greatly. Now people aren't sure when he's taking the piss or not;
This is not always a good thing
He contributes meaningfully mostly with threads such as this or stuff on this. Sometimes with blogs like this
He still maintains his top-dog standing of being the #1 useless fuck on T9K
With 7,866 useless posts and 5,990 meaningless likes he has a respectable presence on this online community

Where is Vorsprung now?
Wallowing in self-pity and self-indulgence, Vorsprung regrets his adherence to being "da official Pyro of T9K" and his binge eating
He enjoys being able to weigh in on conversations he shouldn't be part of and scaring people because he's spontaneous
He wishes that Woot would answer his calls I love you bbygrl call me
He wishes that people would give him respect so he can disrespect them without losing respect
He wishes people were quicker to realise he's taking the piss
He is too introspective and will be embarrassed by most of the things he's done in T9K when he's older and wiser
But all in all, T9K has treated him well

What has he learned?
> Nothing absolutely nothing
> the importance of grammar
> people are impressed when you speak Japanese
> people don't like you all the time so you should abuse them
> Americans are backwards unfunny people who are far worse than Australians
> 'Straya stronk
> Gurw is horny and plays up his own talents for internet cred
> people do weird things on the internet
> the importance of social leverage
> 420
> ditch the Pyro motif it's flagrantly homosexual
> I'm actually not a bad human

Who knows. Considering all forum activity amounts to nought and these people are lonely strangers that contribute nothing to society, who cares? Life is life and while spending time on the internet allows you to have fun and develop cynicism, things are good.

I love you guys.