K1llerPeanuts is me


New Member
Hey I'm K1llerPeanuts, cool ranked, and and love to have fun. I there is actually a story behind my name but will tell it later when I'm not on my vizio tab. It's hard to type on this thing. Well at least it's not my 3DS.
Well I've got more response out of this than I thought so I'll try my best together the computer with a keyboard. I'll alsotell you more about me. I would also like to point out that the me is K1llerPeanuts title was infact a joke. I'm glad that other people found enjoyment out of it too. Well I'll make a proper response to this when I can get the computer away from my sister.
Welcome to Team9000!
Where mods post ponies whilst you are sleeping, and going off topic is a virtue.

Hope you have fun, Killer.
ok,im on an actual computer now, i looked at some other post when i was waiting for my turn and I saw some of the comments you do on threads Vorsprung and I am surprised that you didn't make a picture of the pyro to go along with your comment :D. Anyways I promised you guys a story, and a story you will get, its actually quite funny, im a short story writer and some fanfiction. Ive only written two big projects and one of the two is going to get revised to a not quite so short story.
And there I go, going off topic, the story about my name is quite a lengthy one, Im a random person though I won't show it much while im playing on minecraft unless you start the conversation with me, so I have random phrases that i say at random times. and one of them used to be "and Peanut butter will randomly explode." Another important fact to know for this story to make sence is that my last name is Coon, yes its a racial slur, but no I am not racist. And now the story begins. One day while i was 12ish, Im 16 now, i found out about the wonderfull world of video games and quickly got addicted to nintendo and crash bandicoot. Also I went to a friends house one day and found out, through his Xbox 360, that games can play online, WHAT, no way, and the game he was addicted to was Left 4 Dead, I quickly was converted to a nintendo fan and a valve fan, no longer a bandicoot fan, and played the game with him. Then L4D2 came out, I was so excited that i did research on valve and found the enjoyment of Portal, Halflife 2 (if anyone has half life one that i can use that would be fantastic, i know the story to HL1 though) and eventually Steam and TF2. Now my friend at this time, a different one than the one who showed me the wonders of valve, decided that i was very loony, and he made the connectiion of my last name to the show the Loony Toons, So he gave me the nickname the Loony Coon. I found enjoyment in that nickname and used it as my gamer tag for the Xbox 360 and for my steam name. I was playing on a family friendly server of TF2 one day and they changed my name on that server to the Loony Friendship and said RACISIM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. I explained the situation and how my last name is coon, and he decided that if i were to change my gamertag that he would relase the name change, so i changed it to ExplodingPeanutButter (its still that if you want to find me on steam) and wanted to change it on the Xbox to that because i had grown a liking to it. However it was too many charaters so i changed it to KillerPeanuts, the name was taken so i changed it to K1llerPeanuts (which it still is on Xbox live if you wnat to find me there) and now i use that gamer tag. I will change it on steam soon to K1llerPeanuts but i don't know when. Long story and a lot of unnessasary detials but you asked for it and im a story writer so deal with it :P.
oh and no i am not a brony, sorry but anything with valve in the name i'll get into. infact if you see my promotion post it would have the giagantic aperture science sign which ill repost here. Its my pride and joy of minecraft :)


  • Minecraft aperture laboratories.JPG
    Minecraft aperture laboratories.JPG
    105.3 KB · Views: 90
i wish to get to awesome status at my stay on the Team9k train and hope that you guys help me along the way. Any questions about me?
oh and no i am not a brony, sorry but anything with valve in the name i'll get into. infact if you see my promotion post it would have the giagantic aperture science sign which ill repost here. Its my pride and joy of minecraft :)
That my friend gets my seal of ultimate approval.
ok,im on an actual computer now, i looked at some other post when i was waiting for my turn and I saw some of the comments you do on threads Vorsprung and I am surprised that you didn't make a picture of the pyro to go along with your comment :D. Anyways I promised you guys a story, and a story you will get, its actually quite funny, im a short story writer and some fanfiction. Ive only written two big projects and one of the two is going to get revised to a not quite so short story.
And there I go, going off topic, the story about my name is quite a lengthy one, Im a random person though I won't show it much while im playing on minecraft unless you start the conversation with me, so I have random phrases that i say at random times. and one of them used to be "and Peanut butter will randomly explode." Another important fact to know for this story to make sence is that my last name is Coon, yes its a racial slur, but no I am not racist. And now the story begins. One day while i was 12ish, Im 16 now, i found out about the wonderfull world of video games and quickly got addicted to nintendo and crash bandicoot. Also I went to a friends house one day and found out, through his Xbox 360, that games can play online, WHAT, no way, and the game he was addicted to was Left 4 Dead, I quickly was converted to a nintendo fan and a valve fan, no longer a bandicoot fan, and played the game with him. Then L4D2 came out, I was so excited that i did research on valve and found the enjoyment of Portal, Halflife 2 (if anyone has half life one that i can use that would be fantastic, i know the story to HL1 though) and eventually Steam and TF2. Now my friend at this time, a different one than the one who showed me the wonders of valve, decided that i was very loony, and he made the connectiion of my last name to the show the Loony Toons, So he gave me the nickname the Loony Coon. I found enjoyment in that nickname and used it as my gamer tag for the Xbox 360 and for my steam name. I was playing on a family friendly server of TF2 one day and they changed my name on that server to the Loony Friendship and said RACISIM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. I explained the situation and how my last name is coon, and he decided that if i were to change my gamertag that he would relase the name change, so i changed it to ExplodingPeanutButter (its still that if you want to find me on steam) and wanted to change it on the Xbox to that because i had grown a liking to it. However it was too many charaters so i changed it to KillerPeanuts, the name was taken so i changed it to K1llerPeanuts (which it still is on Xbox live if you wnat to find me there) and now i use that gamer tag. I will change it on steam soon to K1llerPeanuts but i don't know when. Long story and a lot of unnessasary detials but you asked for it and im a story writer so deal with it :P.
I didnt even read it! But i know its awesome.
YES, There is the Vorsprung that i saw multiple time on other threads, thats for the awesome seals of approvals and what do you guys challenge me to build on minecraft that could get me promoted, any suggestions, and bbgunshots, I saw you yesterday on minecraft, your awesome XD