League of Legends Thread


Well-Known Member

Hai Everyone! So, here's how this is going to work:

Its the Team9000 League of Legends Thread for everyone here! Whether the players are starting fresh as newbies or veteran Ranked players, talk about all sorts of LoL related topics. If you are interested in finding and joining games, post information pertaining to LoL in such a fashion:


Champions Owned:

Preferred Roles:

Preferred Maps/Arrangements:

feel free to post any other tidbit of information such as Rankings, Level or W/L ratios, stories, ScreenCaptha's, etc!

If you'd like more information about this fun Free to Play game, please visit http://na.leagueoflegends.com/. Its definitely worth a try imo. ~MtrK@

UPDATE! "insert text about ranks teams and such, contact the right people or holler at the thread*
Usernames: MotorKat (Lvl 30, I'm getting the hang of Normal Games and improving my W:L ratio)
EugenicSmurfette (lvl 2 or 3, self-explanatory account)

Champions Owned On Main: Ahri*, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia*, Cho'Gath, Draven*, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Graves, Janna, Karthus, Katarina, Kayle*, Kennen, Kog'Maw*, Leona*, Malphite, Malzahar*, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Mundo, Nami*, Nautilus, Nocturne, Nunu, Orianna*, Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus, Ryze, Shaco, Shen, Sivir*, Sona*, Soraka, Syndra, Taric*, Teemo, Thresh, Tristana, Twisted Fate*, Varus, Veigar, Zyra
(*asterisked champs are ones I am reliable enough to play in Normal games with :rofl: )

Preferred Roles: Anything that's not Top or Jungle.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Standard Summoner's Rift :)

EDT: Updated May 15th 2013
Username: Skryter1 (Level 30) Rock Dat Beat (Level 8-9)

Champions Owned: *Ahri *Alistar Amumu Annie Ashe *Caitlyn Cho'Gath *Dr. Mundo Evelynn Fiddlesticks Fizz Gangplank Hecarim(Iffy with him) Heimerdinger Janna Jax Kayle **Kennen Malphite *Yi **Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus Nunu Poppy Rammus Ryze Shaco Singed Sion Sivir Soraka Taric *Teemo Tristana Trondomere *Varus (Getting used to him slowly) Veiger Volibear *Warwick Xerath Xin Zhao Zilean

Preferred Roles: Ap mid Support Bot Ad Carry Bot Jungle - Any lane with Mord/Kennen as long as it's not 1v2 solo top...

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoners Rift over Twisted Treeline, and I prefer drafts.
when I was playing a Normal game as Taric with my roommate, 3 of the opponent team's champs tried tower-diving me simultaneously mid-game. Quote from the match by roomie: "Triple-killed by Taric, feel your shame." opponent team surrendered shortly after that.

sad part was I was focusing more AP than Support Taric.
You guys are in the NA server, I'm in Nordic & East meh :(

Level 30 (1500 rating and counting)...snif...
You guys are in the NA server, I'm in Nordic & East meh :(

Level 30 (1500 rating and counting)...snif...
:eek: sad! would you have to download the game for the NA version and create a new username to participate on this side of the servers?
<3 this thread.

Username: CreeperT9K CreeperHugs (Level 30)

Champions Owned: Off the top of my head, (?) means not sure:

Amumu, Annie, Ashe. Cho'gath(?), Dr. Mundo, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Jax, Katarina, Kayle, Maokai(?), Master Yi, Morgana(?), Nasus, Nocturne(?), Olaf, Poppy, Renekton, Sivir, Soraka, Tryndamere, Vayne, Veigar, Xin Zhao

Preferred Roles: Jungle Skarner, Bot AD Vayne, Mid Annie, Solo Top Nasus, Support Soraka. It's a tie between Nasus or Skarner to be my favorite champ in the game.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoners Rift, Draft Ranked

P.S. Here's an older Team9000 LoL discussion thread if you want to look want to look at it.

(Disregard this post, was such a long time ago)
<3 this thread.

Username: CreeperT9K

Champions Owned: Off the top of my head, (?) means not sure:

Amumu, Annie, Ashe. Cho'gath(?), Dr. Mundo, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Jax, Katarina, Kayle, Maokai(?), Master Yi, Morgana(?), Nasus, Nocturne(?), Olaf, Poppy, Renekton, Sivir, Soraka, Tryndamere, Vayne, Veigar, Xin Zhao

Preferred Roles: Jungle Skarner, Bot AD Vayne, Mid Annie, Solo Top Nasus, Support Soraka. It's a tie between Nasus or Skarner to be my favorite champ in the game.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoners Rift, Draft Ranked

P.S. Here's an older Team9000 LoL discussion thread if you want to look want to look at it.[/b]
:) thanks for the link to the other thread, hopefully this thread won't die in obscurity :confused:

So this free champ rotation has some good options, hadn't played Cassiopeia until now, OMG <3 AP grapists :D
:) thanks for the link to the other thread, hopefully this thread won't die in obscurity :confused:

So this free champ rotation has some good options, hadn't played Cassiopeia until now, OMG <3 AP grapists :D

Indeed it does, I was tired of seeing Caitlyn every week..
Speaking of Caitlyn, ever since they made ranked matches "free-week free", people are going to actually have to buy her for once.
*checks up price of Caitlyn* Hah! that's funny, didn't realize she was max priced for both RP and IP
Username: TheChilliMan
Champions Owned: Not a lot, just Cho'Gath and Alistair ;(
Preferred Roles: Pusher and Tank
Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoner's Rift and I mostly enjoy the drafts.
I'm a little noobish right now at lvl.9 but I'm getting there :3
Username: Allimon (level 30)

Champions Owned: Teemo, Graves, Tryndamere, Maokai, Ashe, Veigar, Lulu, Kayle (gift from Riot :confused:), Jax, Master Yi and quite a few others.

Preferred Roles: Fiora/top

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoner's Rift
Username: BlackBird2905

Champions owned: ashe , alistair and Warwick
Preferred roles: pusher, fighter
Preferred maps: Summoner's rift is one I've been playing on since I began so I love this map :p

(I'm still a noob :( .. only started playing since 2-3 days ago.. level 6 atm but I hope to get to level 20 asap)
EDIT: Level 9 :p
I'm a little noobish right now at lvl.9 but I'm getting there :3

(I'm still a noob :( .. only started playing since 2-3 days ago.. level 6 atm but I hope to get to level 20 asap)
EDIT: Level 9 :p

well, everyone has to start from somewhere! good to see more people posting in this thread :biggrin:

i'm liking the addition of Chalice of Harmony's upgrade for this upcoming patch, especially since I play some of the more mana-intensive characters
The new patch looks so nice, perhaps I will stop having glitches with my graphics on the new map. xD
Ok, I've been playing the PBE and I'll comment on a few things.

Darus does extremely high damage, most likely the highest in the game for a AD character but the trade-off is that he has no escape, utility (Besides a aoe pull) and can be easily shut down depending on the situation in the lane.

The graphics update is really nice but you should see your fps dropping to around half of what it used to be, so turning shadows off is a good step.

Chalice of harmony seems decent but the trade-off is the price is 2.9k.
About the graphics, Riot claims that it will actually increase your fps. It does seem weird, but perhaps it's true.