League of Legends Thread

Username: Jorraven

Champions Owned: Ahri, Alistar, Annie, Ashe, Brand, Cho'gath, Darius, Diana, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiora, Garen, Gragas, Hecarim, Kayle, Kha'zix, Kog'maw, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Nami, Nunu, Orianna, Poppy, Riven, Ryze, Shyvana, Sivir, Soraka, Syndra, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Varus, Veigar, Zed and Zyra.

Preferred Roles: Ranged, Ap, Carry

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoner's rift.

Level 21, and mostly got there via custom games.

Skins: Unchained Alistar, Zombie Brand, Battlecast Prime Cho'gath, Soul Reaver Draven, Headless Hecarim, Mecha Kha'zix, Championship Riven, Darkflame Shyvana, Riot Girl Tristana, Underworld Twisted Fate, Arclight Varus, Shockblade Zed

Skins i want: Snow day ziggs

Notable interesting things: 2 quadra kills as kha'zix in one custom game.
Username: Jorraven

Champions Owned: Ahri, Alistar, Annie, Ashe, Brand, Cho'gath, Darius, Diana, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiora, Garen, Gragas, Hecarim, Kayle, Kha'zix, Kog'maw, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Nami, Nunu, Orianna, Poppy, Riven, Ryze, Shyvana, Sivir, Soraka, Syndra, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Varus, Veigar, Zed and Zyra.

Preferred Roles: Ranged, Ap, Carry

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoner's rift.

Level 21, and mostly got there via custom games.

Skins: Unchained Alistar, Zombie Brand, Battlecast Prime Cho'gath, Soul Reaver Draven, Headless Hecarim, Mecha Kha'zix, Championship Riven, Darkflame Shyvana, Riot Girl Tristana, Underworld Twisted Fate, Arclight Varus, Shockblade Zed

Skins i want: Snow day ziggs

Notable interesting things: 2 quadra kills as kha'zix in one custom game.
still want your champ riven? I'd be happy to trade ;)
Well, this is strange. queue was glitching so i re logged, and this happened. also, didn't get a pic of it but it got down to 1 and then decided to take over 47 minutes.
My first pvp match:


Kayle left shortly after getting a kill, leaving me in a lane with Tryndamere and Ashe. Got pushed all the way to the base and had our Nexus towers destroyed. Long story short, poison trail makes quick work of anyone silly enough to follow me.
My first pvp match:

View attachment 135745

Kayle left shortly after getting a kill, leaving me in a lane with Tryndamere and Ashe. Got pushed all the way to the base and had our Nexus towers destroyed. Long story short, poison trail makes quick work of anyone silly enough to follow me.
how to singed: get lots of ms, spam flip, get blue, never turn off q (mid-late game only), get chased for days.

also, a recommended singed build is: RoA, Seraph's, warmogs, thornmail (if ad is fed), boots of swiftness + alacrity, spirit of the ancient golem (for tenacity if their ad isn't fed), sunfire cape. But always build situational as much as possible.
Actually, that build made me immortal, with enough damage to kill everyone on the enemy team. :3

Edit: Also, I don't put too much ms on Singed. After a while, you'll cause poison trail to outspeed your opponent, making you miss with it.
Edit: Also, I don't put too much ms on Singed. After a while, you'll cause poison trail to outspeed your opponent, making you miss with it.
which is why you dont always want to go in a straight line, if u move side to side as you walk, u can keep in pace and increase poison coverage. You want to get ms singed as he has no forward attack, a fast singed is able to easily catch up and flip his opponent into his poison, high ms also allows you to save your w for once they are in your poison forcing them to flash, take heavy damage, or use an escape ability.
My first pvp match:
Kayle left shortly after getting a kill, leaving me in a lane with Tryndamere and Ashe. Got pushed all the way to the base and had our Nexus towers destroyed. Long story short, poison trail makes quick work of anyone silly enough to follow me.

Oh yeah, got to love Singed!
Summoner name: Zalhavvak

Level: 30

Champs owned: Alistar, ammumu, ashe, blitzcrank, caitlyn, corki, elise, fiora, heimerdinger, janna, jax ,karthus, katarina, kayle leesin, lulu, lux, maokai, master yi, morgana, nidalee, nunu, shen, sion, soraka, teemo, tristana, tryndamere, twitch, and...... VI!!!

Prefered roles: anything but jungle

Prefered maps: Summoners rift and ARAM
My first pvp match:

View attachment 135745

Kayle left shortly after getting a kill, leaving me in a lane with Tryndamere and Ashe. Got pushed all the way to the base and had our Nexus towers destroyed. Long story short, poison trail makes quick work of anyone silly enough to follow me.
That is the most odd Singed build I've ever seen.

Welp, at least it worked.