League of Legends Thread

Leona Carry.png
Leona Carry Game, now if only I could do that in my promos.
Username: Amdibextrous (YES amDIBextrous)
Champions owned: Akali, Annie, Ashe, Janna, Katarina, Kayle, Yi, Morgana, Nunu, Poppy, Ryze, Soroka, Tryndamere, Sivir and Warwick ^_^
Level: 17
Preferred Role: I like ranged champs, Ashe was my main, but that keeps changing.
Preferred maps: I love Aram, Sorry everyone! But I love Howling Abyss! :3

Username: Meganizcool
Level: 12
Champions Owned: Annie, Ashe, Garen, Yi, Janna, Jinx, Soraka, Ziggs and Zyra ^_^
Preferred role: Obviously once again, ranges characters, I like Zyra a lot, also Ziggs
username: frankiller23
champions owned: aatrox, annie, ashe, *darius, dr mundo, *elise, garen, jarvan iv, *jax, karthus, *katarina, master yi, *nasus, *nunu, *rammus, soraka, teemo, *tryndamere, *twisted fate,*wukong, *ziggs
(*champions i can play well)
level: 30 (silver 4)
preffered roles: top/jungle but i can do support and mid ^_^
preffered maps: Summoner's rift or ARAM
I'm personally looking forward to the mystery gifts. If anyone is willing to trade gifts, let me know!

Also, riven ain't got shiz on fiora!
I played 5 provisional matches, lost 4 of them thanks to getting thrown in with the worst teams i have seen in months that seemed to enjoy feeding the enemy adc and have a serious lack of runes/masteries.

I give up on hope of finding a good team now....

I'm just gonna gather ip and discard all the utility in my runes and replace them with dmg in hopes of carrying harder. :(

Or i'm just gonna make a new account and start all dat shit from scratch. :D

Or are you placed according to how hard you carried a game? Because I usually get a lot of kills.... unless i'm support (obviously), which i'm forced to play as sometimes. xD

I guess i'm losing a lot because my current MMR is kind of low since I don't have 300+ wins like some other ranked players I'm matched up against.

Perhaps I should just keep playing normal games to death. XD
I played 5 provisional matches, lost 4 of them thanks to getting thrown in with the worst teams i have seen in months that seemed to enjoy feeding the enemy adc and have a serious lack of runes/masteries.

I give up on hope of finding a good team now....

I'm just gonna gather ip and discard all the utility in my runes and replace them with dmg in hopes of carrying harder. :(

Or i'm just gonna make a new account and start all dat shit from scratch. :D

Or are you placed according to how hard you carried a game? Because I usually get a lot of kills.... unless i'm support (obviously), which i'm forced to play as sometimes. xD

I guess i'm losing a lot because my current MMR is kind of low since I don't have 300+ wins like some other ranked players I'm matched up against.

Perhaps I should just keep playing normal games to death. XD
MMR and games won are not directly related.
The people who have 300+ wins in ranked, but are still in your tier, are probably just bad players that belong in the tier you're in.
Playing more doesn't raise your MMR, playing better does.
The MMR points you receive for a match is mostly based on wether you win or lose, not so much your individual performance, since this is still a team game.
MMR and games won are not directly related.
The people who have 300+ wins in ranked, but are still in your tier, are probably just bad players that belong in the tier you're in.
Playing more doesn't raise your MMR, playing better does.
The MMR points you receive for a match is mostly based on wether you win or lose, not so much your individual performance, since this is still a team game.

To clarify further, your MMR is essentially a ratio based on wins to losses, with around a 50% win / loss rate being the ultimate goal. If your wins are much greater than your losses, the system attempts to balance that out by placing you with higher skilled players, and vice versa. However, there is an win / loss expectation system tied in that allows for your MMR to drop or increase, more or less, dependent upon if the game expects you to win or lose.