League of Legends Thread

I recently decided to improve my attitude towards the game, and with that, my win loss has improved as well.

http://puu.sh/dEFcS/4c8593c816.png (Won 17 out of the past 19 games, all ranked)

Turns out I'm actually decent at this game when I'm not "doing what would be funny", "oh this will piss my team off", "I wonder what my adc will say about this flash hook" etc.

Silver 5 to silver 3 in 36 hours, Gold here I come.
I'm thinking about changing my summoner name to BeeFwee

This will be because I saw it was original and this video:

Do you think I should, or stick to my classic cheesy name?

NOTE* I know the video is not related to league. The reason I posted it here is because the buterfree's name is BeeFwee.
You discovered the secret, Riot might kill you now.
Well, before I never took the game seriously, now I decided to play with the same relaxed attitude, but not intentionally feed while doing it.

In lower ELOs, there are two types of attitudes:
The ones that care too much, try too hard, rage, swear, and end up afking (the most common)

And the ones who care too little, and begin to type the first 12 pokemon theme songs (I have them memorized), in chat while walking rather aimlessly around the map.

In order to become a better player, you have to move your attitude a tad bit towards the opposite spectrum.
I have no idea why, but for some reason I've gotten back into watching videos of people playing LoL (Videos like people going from unranked to diamond for example)

Also, I now have Syndra's theme song stuck in my head. Absolutely love that theme <3


I might start playing again.......
Well you're supposed to play her mid lane...
I've seen plenty of Lissandra supports (coming from the unranked peasant)

At least it's better than the game I was going mid Veigar and another guy below me got a mid champ also so the team made me go supp Veigar ._.
I've seen plenty of Lissandra supports (coming from the unranked peasant)

At least it's better than the game I was going mid Veigar and another guy below me got a mid champ also so the team made me go supp Veigar ._.
I mean, support veigar kinda works. a huge aoe stun with a decent amount of poke. You just cant take advantage of his q stacks.
Played my first match back after over a year of absence.

Needless to say I got my shit pushed in by bots. Not entirely due to playing badly though, as my game decided it wanted to take up 1 1/2 of my 2 monitors and in order to move the camera I had to use the arrow keys...
Setting my game resolution down to 1280x720 fixed that problem so now it's only on one monitor. Hopefully my next match I'll be able to do better than a shitty 10/4/9 as Quinn. (And hopefully play against actual people)
Username: Patreedle

Champions Owned: Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Fiddle, Garen, Jax, Kayle, Leona, Malphite, Yi, Shyvanna, Sivir, Soraka, Xin, Warwick

Preferred Roles: Support or Jungle

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Main Support Leona or Duo Adc. Aram a lot. Blind pick is never a good thing.