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Let's clear this up once and for all


Active Member

For those of you witnessing this underneath my info in the Classic server:

My Info.jpg

This is a PUBLIC IP Access Network. This is where other people log in from the same location. NOTHING new has ever happened to the IP Address.

You may have noticed the two other accounts associated with the IP: NEITHER of those accounts are mine. I do not recognize them and I could care less about the banned one. These are two different people that log in from the SAME location that I am logging in from.

EVERYDAY that I log into the server from here, I am CONSTANTLY battered with, "Xeadin, why do you have a banned account?" This is the VERY REASON why I am posting this. I am LITERALLY getting quite sick of explaining this every single time I log in. This, literally, needs to stop.

The ONLY other account that I have complete ownership over is Entreprez_220, and I only use that in case something were to happen to this account I am using now.

What scares me is the possibility of someone else using that IP and griefing a trap. But let's hope that never happens.
What scares me is the possibility of someone else using that IP and griefing a trap. But let's hope that never happens.

I've only encountered one other person (most likely the bloxxer2_0 user) that logs in from this location, so the likelyhood of that happening is somewhat slim.