List of the Top Engineering Fields from 1 to whatever


1. Mechatronics - Because its robotics and robots are cool
2. Mechanical - Because its interesting stuff
3. Mining - Because they make a heap of money
4. Electrical - Because electricity is pretty cool
5. Biomechanical - Because of the gooey red stuff that comes out of people.
6. Chemical - Because of explosions
7. Nano - Because it's hard to work with small parts
8. Civil - Because its pretty lame
9. Materials - Because its lamer than civil

If you disprove of this list I'm sure your going to respond. ;)
Other fields are left off because they are combinations of these or similar too them and I'm fairly lazy so yeah
1. Mechatronics - Because its robotics and robots are cool
2. Mechanical - Because its interesting stuff
3. Mining - Because they make a heap of money
4. Electrical - Because electricity is pretty cool
5. Biomechanical - Because of the gooey red stuff that comes out of people.
6. Chemical - Because of explosions
7. Nano - Because it's hard to work with small parts
8. Civil - Because its pretty lame
9. Materials - Because its lamer than civil

If you disprove of this list I'm sure your going to respond. ;)
Other fields are left off because they are combinations of these or similar too them and I'm fairly lazy so yeah
My Civil Engineer is a Father and I am offended.
proabably to start a flamewar/shitstorm...
What exactly was the point of this?
It's a real topic which can be discussed fo realz. OMG shocker. Also this is out of it's subforum, it deserves to be in General, before it gets derailed to hell with pony or some other memes.
It's a real topic which can be discussed fo realz. OMG shocker. Also this is out of it's subforum, it deserves to be in General, before it gets derailed to hell with pony or some other memes.
read the reasoning behind why the engineering branches are good...

read this: If you disprove of this list I'm sure your going to respond.

i think he wants an argument of some sort
read the reasoning behind why the engineering branches are good...

read this: If you disprove of this list I'm sure your going to respond.

i think he wants an argument of some sort
I'm not looking for an argument I just know that people like to have there own opinions to things.