Lolz I forgot something. I'm Aqua.


New Member
and I just joined a couple of days ago :D
Um, I joined because. Yeah. so, hi.
I have no idea... :facepalm:

The first thing I built on the server was an inverted rainbow diamond. that's what they said it was. I like building things with rainbows, because rainbows are INTERESTING.
See ya on the server. *wave*
welcome to Team9000 do note that we are far more than just a minecraft community, however also note, a lot of us love minecraft at an unhealty level.....and others dont....regardless, Welcome.
welcome to Team9000 do note that we are far more than just a minecraft community, however also note, a lot of us love minecraft at an unhealty level.....and others dont....regardless, Welcome.
Yeah, *cough* Dasbeast, halfzip,... *cough*
Nah, welcome to the server, it is really awsome, enjoy it :D