Lookin for a solid server

Not right now, if you're talking about the Alpha/Beta Server. This is a temp at the moment. BTW, there are lots of nice servers on the Minecraft Forum. It's nice to get whitelisted, it's easy and takes no time at all. And it's always great to know several servers you can go to. The T9K servers are but the tip of the iceberg for me.
Now I know my view may be skewed, but as far as I am concerned you will not find a server more solid than the Team9000 ones.
Yeah. There's not really any server that has rules about everything.
Rankups are basically "admin, come here, see what i built", if you get called a griefer, you get kicked at once without a mod checking you (i was an OP on such server ._. I got demoted cause i wanted to check all reports first, oh well), and also there's not really a way to get unbanned, as there's no forums and no place to apply. Of course, they may be more populated than Team9000 server sometimes, but that doesnt mean they are better.