Looking For Internal/External Hardrive 250 Gigs to 1 Terrabyte


Well-Known Member

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 3

Computer Specs:

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo Cpu
3.25 GB of Ram


$1 - $200


250 Gigs - 1 Terrabyte

Any help would be appreciated.
terribad website layout is terribad, but anyway, if you can go for western digital hdds, never ever had a problem with them
I have a Western Digital External HD that I've had for years and I haven't had any problems with it. I also recently bought a Seagate network HD (1TB) which I've uploaded all of my movies, TV shows and photos to and haven't had any issues with that, either. Right now is kind of a bad time to be shopping for an external HD from what I've heard. Apparently most HDs are made in Thailand, which is flooding very badly, and so production has stopped and prices for the products have gone up.

If I remember correctly, the Seagate HD was about...$150, but I do remember seeing them on sale somewhere for about $80. I would try tigerdirect.com or newegg.com.
In case you were thinking about getting one, external hard drives are for long-term storage. The transfer rate is about 8 mb/s, so they aren't good for constantly moving thing around. Internal hard drives, on the other hand, are faster and typically are more reliable.
In case you were thinking about getting one, external hard drives are for long-term storage. The transfer rate is about 8 mb/s, so they aren't good for constantly moving thing around. Internal hard drives, on the other hand, are faster and typically are more reliable.

Unless you're using a usb 3.0 one, that is
In case you were thinking about getting one, external hard drives are for long-term storage. The transfer rate is about 8 mb/s, so they aren't good for constantly moving thing around. Internal hard drives, on the other hand, are faster and typically are more reliable.

Unless you have a network HD, then you can access the data as fast as your connection is.