Looking for suggestions on an affordable gaming laptop.


Well-Known Member
With all the traveling I've been doing recently, I don't really see any reason for me to upgrade my desktop anymore.
So, I'm looking into getting a laptop to take with me on my adventures.
I'd like it to play games, and be able to edit 1080p videos smoothly.
Doesn't have to play the most modern games on high settings.
Just something I can play stuff like GTA IV, APB reloaded, Modded Minecraft(wynncraft/attack of the B-team on normal render distance), and other things that will keep me going for the next couple years.

Anyone have any experience/recommendations?
I'd like to keep it under $1000.
$0-$700 would be perfect! I don't even mind second hand.
My Lenovo uses Core i5, 6 Gb memory, and integrated graphics, and it barely does attack of B-team with acceptable fps on normal render distance. Cost about $800 when I got it 2 years ago.

A $700 laptop is probably absolute minimum for the specs you desire, at least as far as new purchases go.

That's my experience. Hope it helps.
Naa mate getting a laptop under $1000 isn't even worth it. The laptops you can get for $1000 are fab, but no way gaming-ready. They can handle basic games and would definitely handle minecraft, but any big game would probably break it. $1500 would be more in the gaming-ready laptop range and anywhere inbetween 1000-1500. Over that and you'd be getting into the hardcore gaming laptops like Alienware.
Best advice I can give is ask around, check the stats in places and visit a computer market to check out how much it might cost there. Always haggle with your seller and get a nice price.
The original ones I was looking at are from IBuyPower They have gaming laptops that range from $989-$1959 all with i7's. After seeing this I was just maybe hoping to see if there was anything out there even cheaper because I don't need really high end specs. I barely even game anymore. I'd just like the insurance of knowing I can play a game(even on low settings if I have to) if I wanted too.
Everyone that I know that has had the Asus gaming laptops has been upset with them.

That said, and this probably doesn't need to be said but I'm going to say it anyways: If it doesn't have a dedicated video card don't waste your money.
I have an Asus G73, which cost me around $1000, new.
Very happy with it. Runs everything smoothly, on high settings. From Minecraft, to battlefield, to crysis.
I doubt you'd get anything good for less than 1000 though.
Everyone that I know that has had the Asus gaming laptops has been upset with them.

That said, and this probably doesn't need to be said but I'm going to say it anyways: If it doesn't have a dedicated video card don't waste your money.

It's sad because I've always been an Asus fanboy. But I've even been getting problems with my Nexus 7(2013) :/
Everyone that I know that has had the Asus gaming laptops has been upset with them.
I have a G75VX that cost me $900 refurbished, and I can't complain. It runs most games I play on high-ultra, and it does everything I want it to. But there's things like audio stopping randomly, the stupid subwoofer/bad speakers (i use headphones anyway), and it collects dust/scratches easily. The audio/speakers issues are probably because the laptop was refurbished, but the audio thing happens rarely and as I said before, I use headphones. I'm not saying my laptop is awesome, but I'm not saying it's terrible.

Back to the topic at hand though. Have you considered building a Mini-ITX build, Shredex? They're small, not quite as portable as a laptop but more portable than a ATX Mid build, and you can get much more performance out of them for the same price as a laptop. Transporting it can be placing the build in it's box and placing it in the trunk, or even placing it in your lap like a pet. Monitors shouldn't be terribly difficult to transport (unless they're quite large), and keyboards and mouses can't be that bad either. It's an extra 5-10 minutes of packing, but you can get more performance for the price building a Mini-ITX build instead of getting a laptop. The only downfall of an ITX build compared to a laptop is that a laptop has the monitor, keyboard, and parts all in one package, while with an ITX build it's all separate.
Oh well if you have no electricity, rule out any sort of decent gaming laptop.
Battery life = non-existant
Go get yourself a MacBook
Oh well if you have no electricity, rule out any sort of decent gaming laptop.
Battery life = non-existant
Go get yourself a MacBook

I have the ability to charge. So battery life isn't that much of an issue. And getting a Macbook is getting the exact opposite of what I want...