Lost a Friend...


Active Member
T9k, I think I lost my friend I called him and everything, I'm tired of it, he lives a couples of houses away and I went over and asked if my friend was home and his older sister said he wasn't there. I knew he was there because I just texted him after getting mad. I don't know if I should just let this go or if I should keep trying, he's one of my bestfriends. I seriously don't know what to do, I've done everything I've tried everything. Help...
Please no trolling right now t9k...
regardless of the relationship, be it dating, marriage, living together, friends, people sometimes just need to have some time to theirselves; from what this sounds like, my guess he just needs some time to himself to gather his thoughts and such.

If anything, give him some time, and see where it goes from there mmk?
regardless of the relationship, be it dating, marriage, living together, friends, people sometimes just need to have some time to theirselves; from what this sounds like, my guess he just needs some time to himself to gather his thoughts and such.

If anything, give him some time, and see where it goes from there mmk?

Yeah your right, were just good friends. Now he says he want nothing to do with me, just leave him alone?
I would, then try talking to him in a few days or so; give it a cooling off period so you two can find out why he's so angry

I decided to just forget it, I said "I get it, I understand, I'll be here when you need me but for now bye". Things are great though, with me now, thanks. I also bought The Ship on steam ^_^.
1. Beat him up.
2. Climb through his window and kidnap him
3. If you can't be his friend, nobody can (kill him) (not suggested)
4. Buy his friendship
5. Convince him you're awesome in an awesome way
6. T9K isn't a counseling service
1. Beat him up.
2. Climb through his window and kidnap him
3. If you can't be his friend, nobody can (kill him) (not suggested)
4. Buy his friendship
5. Convince him you're awesome in an awesome way
6. T9K isn't a counseling service
You're right, we're not a counceling service. We're a community, and a second family to some. We come from all ages, and all walks of life. We've each had indivitual expirences, and are capible of lending advice when needed. Whether I'm happy, sad, angry, or simply bored I can come to T9K for a quick escape. We have a bond here. If you don't have a positive answer you shouldn't have posted.
Please no trolling right now t9k...
He even specifically said.
No need to be a douche.

I'd just give him some time. He'll come around, w00t. You've tried the quick fix approach, so the best thing you could do now is not be overbearing.
If he's honestly one of your best friends, and he feels the same about you, then he'll come around.

Yes. I don't really refer to people as being my best friend because all of that stuff is overrated, but I'm going to give it some time and see. That's the best I can do. Thanks t9k, and I really think of all you guys as my friends that I can rely on :rofl:
You're right, we're not a counceling service. We're a community, and a second family to some. We come from all ages, and all walks of life. We've each had indivitual expirences, and are capible of lending advice when needed. Whether I'm happy, sad, angry, or simply bored I can come to T9K for a quick escape. We have a bond here. If you don't have a positive answer you shouldn't have posted.

He even specifically said.
No need to be a douche.

I'd just give him some time. He'll come around, w00t. You've tried the quick fix approach, so the best thing you could do now is not be overbearing.

;( thank you kind one. May the chicken be with you.

1. Beat him up.
2. Climb through his window and kidnap him
3. If you can't be his friend, nobody can (kill him) (not suggested)
4. Buy his friendship
5. Convince him you're awesome in an awesome way
6. T9K isn't a counseling service

I know this isn't a counseling service, just need some advice no day - to day counseling, you know if you do that stuff I'm cool with that.