

Active Member
I have been playing this game for a long time now, and it's a nice, organized game.


Mabinogi is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG with unique anime styled graphics. Mabinogi is a one of a kind game with an endless list of unique features. Players can compose music, design clothes, milk cows, get a part time job and much more. Characters also grow older as time goes by but can be ‘reborn’ through the use of a special item.

You can level up, get new gear, battle people on PvP just for fun, do dungeons, and go through the main storyline to get upwards to Knight. There is different types of storylines, G1, G1, G3, etc. I haven't played this game in a while so my memory may be shaky. You can transform into white knight when its daytime, only to transform back into your self. This gives a extra health bonus with different types of attacks. One time goes on, and you complete the second story line, you will gain Black Knight. It has a wide range of attacks and unique abilities like bleed out.

You can learn magic, tail our own clothing, merchant outside of Dunbarton, one of the most crowded cities. And many more.

I think some people should go and play this game. The website is this . You have to download it to your desktop, because it's an 3D online game. You cana choose different classes, be a human or different styles of a elf.

I am just starting to play this game today, and re-gaining some of the new controls from the past. If you seem interested; post in this thread, so I know if you're going to play..

If you have any questions, please be free to do so; Thank you! :)