Major pc problems


Well-Known Member
Im on another computer when doing this.
For the past few days my computer would freeze and blue screen every time I played call of duty or games that were intensive on my graphics card. Just recently my computer froze and I restarted and now I will not connect to my monitor. It just says "no signal" on my monitor. I have looked up what the problem is and I guess my graphics card wont support it. It has worked for the past 2 months and It just stopped working. Is there any way I could try to access my computer through the s
default graphics card and I am trying to connect it to my laptop and it wont change the screen to my computer screen. Can someone please help me solve this without me having to replace or pull apart shit.

Moniter: Acer X233W bd
Computer: Acer Aspire

Also please no trolling this.
Try opening your computer and taking out the ram. It might be magnetized. (That happened to me 2 weeks ago)
Otherwise... :speechless:
Hopefully its your graphics card being unable to support the monitor and not the graphics card just crapping out on you. If it's the former, perhaps there's a firmware update or something you could try? I'm really not too knowledgeable about this sort of thing.

I had a similar issue a week or so ago. I realized I had never plugged my CD-ROM drive into my new power supply for my PC, so I plugged it in. After doing so and turning my PC back on my monitor was displaying everything outlined in red. At first I thought my graphics card and finally bit the dust, but it turned out that when messing with the cables inside my PC, some of them wound up touching the card, which caused some sort of weird charge or something. I moved the cables and wrapped them up so they wouldn't touch anything and the display is A-OK again. I guess the one thing you could take from this story is to not freak out and try to go through all the possibilities before assuming the worst one.
Hopefully its your graphics card being unable to support the monitor and not the graphics card just crapping out on you. If it's the former, perhaps there's a firmware update or something you could try? I'm really not too knowledgeable about this sort of thing.

I had a similar issue a week or so ago. I realized I had never plugged my CD-ROM drive into my new power supply for my PC, so I plugged it in. After doing so and turning my PC back on my monitor was displaying everything outlined in red. At first I thought my graphics card and finally bit the dust, but it turned out that when messing with the cables inside my PC, some of them wound up touching the card, which caused some sort of weird charge or something. I moved the cables and wrapped them up so they wouldn't touch anything and the display is A-OK again. I guess the one thing you could take from this story is to not freak out and try to go through all the possibilities before assuming the worst one.
we had a problem similar to this when setting up the graphics card. I looked into this and im guessing the computer had an update that is not compatible with my graphics card. So I am trying to make my laptop external and redirect my default graphics card to my laptop and see if it displays my computer.
Did I say exactly?

Oh yeah... just suggesting something...
Not saying the same exact thing happened to me...
Just that my ram got magnetized....
Nvm. I am just trying to get everything resolved before I need to start pulling stuff out of my computer so I was trying to be sure. I feel you took that a different way....
Try using your old graphics card to access it. If you use any USB things whatsoever that were plugged in relatively near that time, USBs can be very mean and destroy OS files. If system repair doesn't work press F10 and get your copy OS off of your D drive. I'm probably not helping, but if your monitor isn't working you probably fried something in something to do that.
Its been fixed guys. Graphics card needed a little reset or something to that matter. Leave it at that. :P