Malaysia airlines


Active Member
if you know anything about the news currently it will be that no-one will want to fly with Malaysia airlines, so what i want to know is your opinions and news updates you find

p.s. any emotional hurt caused to either families of victims or Russians will be apologised for by me and the dick who actually caused emotional hurt will be reported
Terrorists - yes. It's not proven whether it's Russian-sponsored though.
Either way, what the fuck is wrong with those people?
Ah well.

People kill people.

The world sucks.

I honestly lost my opinion on these things a long time ago.
When did they find out it was terrorists?
And why has no group claimed this as what they did?
If the terrorists are actually Russian backed, then their admitting this could cause some issues.

Yet another thing pointing at Russia.

But you know, I kind of like Putin. I like his boldness about these things/willing to go through any means to get what he wants. No matter how dirty. Rather admirable in my book.

But that's easy for me to say, because this won't effect me in the least~
Terrorists - yes. It's not proven whether it's Russian-sponsored though.
Either way, what the fuck is wrong with those people?
I seriously doubt it was the Ukrainian military. The only aircraft they would even target are the Russian fighters that are, with increasing frequency, violating their airspace - which, though completely within their rights, would be stupid to even try to shoot down (Putin would use it as an excuse to invade). The separatists, widely believed to be sponsored by Russia, both have the ability to shoot down planes and have been bragging about shooting down Ukranian jets (within hours of the crash even). On top of all that is the recorded call between the separatists and Moscow and the footage of the Buk launcher being smuggled into Russia.

If the terrorists are actually Russian backed, then their admitting this could cause some issues.

Yet another thing pointing at Russia.

But you know, I kind of like Putin. I like his boldness about these things/willing to go through any means to get what he wants. No matter how dirty. Rather admirable in my book.

But that's easy for me to say, because this won't effect me in the least~
Then you, along with the majority of the Russian population that he consistently screws over, admire a sociopath.
If the terrorists are actually Russian backed, then their admitting this could cause some issues.

Yet another thing pointing at Russia.

But you know, I kind of like Putin. I like his boldness about these things/willing to go through any means to get what he wants. No matter how dirty. Rather admirable in my book.

But that's easy for me to say, because this won't effect me in the least~
I feel like I am missing some vital information, are we discussing MH370 or did Malaysia Airlines have more planes go down?
MH17, shot down in Ukraine.

Sorry, a basic understanding of history has led me to distrust sociopathic leaders.

A basic understanding of history has led me to be nonchalant about such things. My griping isn't going to change anything, so I'll simply admire his handiwork.
Interesting article giving timelines, different reports, more articles, etc. (I just randomly found it, no h8 for credibility since everyone gets all antsy with news sources).

Terrorists - yes. It's not proven whether it's Russian-sponsored though.
Either way, what the fuck is wrong with those people?

And if you believe the articles and what Obama says, the terrorists are infact Russian sponsored.
And if you believe the articles and what Obama says, the terrorists are infact Russian sponsored.
I don't really believe any article. One side is strongly pro-russian, the other is strongly anti-russian. The neutral ones just sum up what both say. I don't believe that there's truth to any of those.
Those terrorists were russian sponsered?
So the rumor goes.

It makes sense, but such assumptions are dangerous.

But yes, they likely were Russian sponsored, as Moscow benefits greatly from any civil unrest in Ukraine.
just was walking past a shop when i saw this headline "rebels shot down the wrong jet"
now how many people believe that
just was walking past a shop when i saw this headline "rebels shot down the wrong jet"
now how many people believe that
It's unclear what their motive was, but it's perfectly possible that they had the guns, without having the adequate targeting system, and decided to be retards and shoot without a clear idea of what they were shooting.

A call between two people was recorded, with the recipient being surprised that the plane was indeed civilian.

In situations such as this it's very difficult to tell fact from fiction in a matter of 2 days.