ME:3 To Get "Killer New Feature"


Well-Known Member
In this article Xbox World magazine says they are set to announce a "killer new feature" developed by Bioware for ME:3. Speculation is that it is some sort of multiplayer component, but no one knows for sure. The news will officially be announced Oct. 25 when the next issue of the magazine hits store shevles.

Any thoughts what the new feature will be? I think it's going to be more sex for Fox News to yell about (not really, I don't have a clue).
Hopefully they make the romance scenes better than ME: 1, fox news were jumping over the "rudeness" of the scene's when you don't even see anything "bad". Freaking Mafia 2 has playboy magazines with real naked women on them and do they get scolded by fox news, no. Bioware need to get a thicker skin for criticism.

I hope it is some form of multiplayer component though or a more in depth rpg feel.

That's my 2 cents.
Well, there may be more, still. This was just a tweet from the exec. producer of the game. A gaming magazine is supposed to have exclusive rights to whatever new, cool thing is to come out, which won't be published until Oct. 25. This could only be the tip of the iceberg.
Well, there may be more, still. This was just a tweet from the exec. producer of the game. A gaming magazine is supposed to have exclusive rights to whatever new, cool thing is to come out, which won't be published until Oct. 25. This could only be the tip of the iceberg.

Believe me...when I ask the EA guys if they know anything about it I will make sure I get whatever I can from them xD...chances are they won't know much though...but anything is useful
In a day and age in which so many games are tacking on multiplayer just so that they can have another bullet point on the box, I can confidently say I can get behind Mass Effect's decision to go multiplayer.

Disclaimer: I have only ever dabbled in the opening act of Mass Effect 2, which I fully intend to return to and finish...sometime in the future. I know, blasphemy.

If anything, Bioware have succeeded in creating a world with the Mass Effect series: they've taken the idea of player choice, and while things are just about as binary as they get (you get to be the good guy or the bad guy, and that's about it - but that's fine, a space opera is better suited to that, this isn't nearly as gritty or dark as The Witcher or something), those choices have meaning and weight behind them. Because of stuff i did in Mass Effect 1, I might have an entirely different experience to my friend in Mass Effect 3.

That right there is the strength of videogames as an interactive medium. Bioware get that.

The Multiplayer seems to just be an extension of that; the world gets bigger and the experience that much larger. They're being purposefully vague on just how much it affects the Singleplayer experience, but that the two are connected in any way at all is probably going to be groundbreaking...more power to 'em.
Did you play the first one?
Oh and they specified that passing a series of coop missions is an optional path to the best ending for Mass Effect 3, just like in Mass Effect 2 if you completed most of the character related side-missions (for the ship crewmen) and upgraded your ship you would get a better ending.
Played at a friend's house, yes, and I've seen enough content to get a general impression, but sadly I've just been invested in other games when they were released on PC, never got a chance to get into them...I do, however, appreciate just how far forward they've moved gaming as a whole, which is quite a bit.

And yeah, even if that's all that the Co-op missions do, that's still going to be fairly innovative - how many other games have tethered the outcomes of their singleplayer campaigns to a multiplayer component?
I'm just glad that it's optional and doesn't hinder singleplayer
Bioware: We love you fans. No Multiplayer! :3


