MicroVolts: F2P Schoolgirl Booty


Well-Known Member

Yeah. This game. I saw this review, extremely late, which I know some of you have already seen.
(I'm looking at you Ustulo)

For whatever reason, I actually decided to play it myself. Contrary to what the review says, it is -not- Pay-to-Win, items you purchase with real money only gives you a bonus of in-game currency, which...honestly doesn't do that much. Not any battlefield bonuses.

Also, the schoolgirl character is only one of five characters, three of which are male.

However, as the review states, the maps ARE terrible, but I'm able to overlook it. It's basically like TF2, but I like the flexibility of being able to use all weapons whenever I want. I don't exactly know why I like this game other than that, but I do.

Anyone that's weird like me and wants to join me in playing this sillyness can make an account with this link if they haven't already: http://www.microvolts.com/splash?t=3&k=b0920f510160c59bf4981c5dd2b1a65d

For all of those who will most likely say "This is just a TF2 clone"...yes...yes it is. It is trying very hard to try to be like TF2. But whatever, I like it.
I've given this game a try, and it's pleasant, sort of a Quake/TF2 combination in third person, with a Pixar-esque art style. I'm not yet sure that I'd pay for it, though, to me it seems like this game would become redundant in a manner of only a few weeks.

I haven't been able to play any online matches, though. Every time I try to enter a match I receive an error saying "Authorization failed. Please try again later" at which point the game closes.
I've given this game a try, and it's pleasant, sort of a Quake/TF2 combination in third person, with a Pixar-esque art style. I'm not yet sure that I'd pay for it, though, to me it seems like this game would become redundant in a manner of only a few weeks.

I haven't been able to play any online matches, though. Every time I try to enter a match I receive an error saying "Authorization failed. Please try again later" at which point the game closes.
Odd, I don't know why it's doing that...I don't think it's done that for me yet.

And, no, I won't pay money for it either, there's no need to. Real-money weapons and clothing do nothing but give you an MP bonus percentage whenever you gain MP. They don't do anything else (besides look different).
Odd, I don't know why it's doing that...I don't think it's done that for me yet.

And, no, I won't pay money for it either, there's no need to. Real-money weapons and clothing do nothing but give you an MP bonus percentage whenever you gain MP. They don't do anything else (besides look different).
Well, if I find a F2P game I like, I'll pay money for it, regardless of whether or not it's necessary. I'm aware it's not Pay-to-win, more like Pay-to-not-grind-as-much.

Regardless, I just don't think I'd get that much out of this game. (Certainly not if this error persists.)
Well, if I find a F2P game I like, I'll pay money for it, regardless of whether or not it's necessary. I'm aware it's not Pay-to-win, more like Pay-to-not-grind-as-much.

Regardless, I just don't think I'd get that much out of this game. (Certainly not if this error persists.)
I don't know if the fun will die off so quickly with me. But I imagine it would if it keeps doing that error...

EDIT: Try running the game as administrator, and see if that helps.
I don't know if the fun will die off so quickly with me. But I imagine it would if it keeps doing that error...

EDIT: Try running the game as administrator, and see if that helps.
Heh. I take it you typed the error message into Google as well? Already tried that solution a few hours ago, with no improvement.

...and I just tried it again. 5 seconds into the game my connection times out. O_o

EDIT: and again with the Authorization error again. Fun.