Minecraft 1.3 and 1.5 Map Downloads, Terraria


Just one question: how do i open it/actually use the map i downloaded?

noob question i know, but better to ask than fuck it up somewhere down the road :3
This may also be a noob question, but what is Terraria?
Terraria is a two dementional version of minecraft, with many, many, many more things to do.

It is a pretty cheap game, it's like 10 bucks on steam, and I actually find it more enjoyable than minecraft.

There are about 20(ishmaybe?) bosses, a crapton of items, spells, biomes/realms, etc to explore and use.
Terraria is a two dementional version of minecraft, with many, many, many more things to do.

It is a pretty cheap game, it's like 10 bucks on steam, and I actually find it more enjoyable than minecraft.

There are about 20(ishmaybe?) bosses, a crapton of items, spells, biomes/realms, etc to explore and use.
I would never call it a 2D Minecraft. I like to explain it like this:

Think of if Minecraft had a baby with Legend of Zelda, and Castlevania. And then those babies got separated at birth, grew up, met, and then had a baby with each other.
So i asked this earlier today, but whatever.

How do i use it/implicate one of the downloads into MC? preferably the 13 one, that had Sebastian.

like step by step process would be good.
For some reason I cannot change the gamemode of the 1.5 Creative world to Creative (for me only, I successfully changed it in MC Edit). It just keeps telling me that I do not have permissions to do the command.

EDIT: Just needed to open to lan and change it. Everything is OK!
For some reason I cannot change the gamemode of the 1.5 Creative world to Creative (for me only, I successfully changed it in MC Edit). It just keeps telling me that I do not have permissions to do the command.
You'll need to use something like NBTexplorer. Under Players, you'll see your name. Scroll down to abilities and change flying, instabuild, etc. to 1. You'll also need to go to the "level.dat" -> Data and change "allowCommands" to 1.