Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation


Well-Known Member
So, does anybody of you already play the new Shooter by Gameloft? I am just downloading it on my iPhone, and I just can't wait to play it!
I already played MC:S and MC2:BP, and I am really nervous about the graphics. I heard they should be awsome!
I am not entirely sure if I should start with the Singleplayer Campaign or if I should just go Multiplayer before it get's hacked... But I'm sure as hell this will be awsome!
My Ingame name is 'Max213', so if you want to come and play MP with me sometimes, just add me as a friend :)

Best regards,
Pl4t0 said:
It's pretty neat that they've been able to squeeze games like this onto phones,, COD rip-off anyone? "Modern Combat 3"...still, have fun with it, surprised that there's even multiplayer.

Multiplayer is pretty neat if you want to play a 5 minute game :)
What they're making a 3rd one? :o

Will you be able to play multiplayer with those who only own Black Pegasus or do I have to buy Fallen Nation
Mariolink42 said:
What they're making a 3rd one? :o

Will you be able to play multiplayer with those who only own Black Pegasus or do I have to buy Fallen Nation

They made one...

You have to buy MC3:FN...