Monster Hunter Tri Multiplayer


Well-Known Member
I bought this on sale when Portal 2 came out, and have almost played it more than portal. It came out back in '10 I think, and there are still a lot of players online. Anyone here have the game and interested on going a hunt?:cool:
I've been talking about Monster hunter for AGES.

Wish that Capcom would actually open a Monster hunter frontier server for the WORLD and not just Japanland. Then at least everyone on T9k will be able to hunt !

Monster hunter tri is only for Wii sadly...
What's wrong with the Wii? You just have to really look for the good games, such as Tri.
It's funny because if you're anything but Japanese, they kick you off the servers, as a permaban.:D

Not everyone owns a Wii.... but everyone owns a PC :)

And yes, capcom is very strict about only letting people located in a specific origin to play on their servers. Many people managed to bypass the IP and are still able to play MHF. But they need to lay low at all times.