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Hi i'm mr brody9 i hope u chosse me to be builder ill be 1 step closer to acheving my goal of highest rank on your server:) ty here is one of my sprites


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i think this is my best 3d built not my best build cause i built some sprites when i applied for cool hope u love it !


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Maby you could make a pathway around the building or add different colors to the build. That is my opinion i think it is nice
but it is up to you with what you do with it.
like im not sure but if u have been in a arena but um like u mmean build like an extra ouside part to walk into u mena or?
no i mean like an extra pathway going around the whole outside the pathway would be covered by a roof but the pathway provides a way to the entrance for people who are looking for it.
took so long! its nice though i like it:)


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this was build by me and my friend IRPGx he is also looking for a promo guest to cool


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me and serenity build this :) so count for his promo to


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Looking good but I'd suggest some larger, more complicated builds - whether it be larger, more intricate sprites or 3d structures, etc. Keep up the good work.