MW3 New Trailer


Well-Known Member
Nice new trailer released by Infinity ward.
Btw lets keep this thread only to mw3, and By that I mean no comparisons to another certain game. >.>
This is the only decent trailer of seen of the game, also they're using the "fuzz" noise in the battlefield trailers, bad blood much.

Oh yeah 360!
I flippin' hate the fact that COD fanboys can't get over the flaggin fact that Ghost is frickin' dead.

For freck's sake, its a COD series not a feckin' Final Fantasy 7... HARGH !
Why does this look so much more like Black Ops than MW2? MW2 actually looked good with it's sharp and shiny color scheme.
I like this game. Sadly.

Wait a second...
I am bloody rich enough to but both of the special editions
I play Call of Duty, but I don't really enjoy it. In fact, I play Black Ops more than MW2 because of zombies and because people on MW2 are just straight up assholes. You play it, everyone acts retarted, and then they threaten to hack you. Oh wait, that's the story for 99% of all the FPS games out there.
Halo > COD IMO I always hated the 7 year olds with their kinects and their volume up so loud that when something blows up, all you hear is a low-quality explosion sound.
And then the OMG!!!!!!!! from the kids, and then the people with the marijuana symbols in their name and be all like "dude, what the hell are they doin in iraq I could so take them.." it's so stupid.
Halo > COD IMO I always hated the 7 year olds with their kinects and their volume up so loud that when something blows up, all you hear is a low-quality explosion sound.
And then the OMG!!!!!!!! from the kids, and then the people with the marijuana symbols in their name and be all like "dude, what the hell are they doin in iraq I could so take them.." it's so stupid.
Was going to post my thoughts on this, but thought they would be better expressed in a blog post, check the blog page if you want to see it.

That's just the 360, though. It's a mainstream system, and because of that you're going to get the mainstream audience playing multiplayer games. There are a lot of stupid kids that have been given these systems by their parents just to shut them up and sit them down. Halo has them too - hell, Counter Strike and TF2 have them. Most of the PC has been saved from this terror, THANK GOD, but if you want to get away from those kids you need to migrate away from the 360 as a system.

But yeah, it's pretty stupid.

They don't want to lose improvements they've made to the engine (they're subtle, but they are improvements). It is a very brown, very blase shooter with an extremely limited color palette, in part due to the 360's unbelievably limited hardware. I will give them credit where credit is due, however, the animations are absolutely beautiful. Beyond that, however...the very first Gears of War was able to use brown, gray, and dark green in a gorgeous fashion, and unfortunately it sparked a very, very stupid trend in the industry...
Btw lets keep this thread only to mw3, and By that I mean no comparisons to another certain game. >.>
I don't get why people are so excited for this game, really, every Call of Duty ends up having game-breaking problems that are never fixed.

Call of Duty 4 had horrible grenade spam, the M16, terrible hit detection, and bad spawns.

World at War had the MP40, RETARDED hit detection, bad spawns, and all around shit weapon balance

MW2 had One Man Army+Danger Close Noob tubes, tactical knifes, Commando, Last Stand, Scrambler, quickscoping, retarded kids who would yell at you for correctly using a sniper, every gun was ridiculous, and half the attachments were worthless (Thermal, I am looking right at you).

Black Ops had UNBEARABLE LAG, terrible weapon balance, Second Chance, Ghost, and the Famas

Why do people think MW3 will have no game breaking problems?

I look forward to BF3 (Whoops, I broke the rules)
Funny how so many people I know just constantly bash the COD Series all the time but ends up buying it anyway.
Interesting. This game looks really action-intensive. I hope Infinity Ward didn't expend all their best thrilling cinematics into this one trailer. It would be a letdown story-wise if this is the case.
I look forward to seeing just how immersive the game will be in terms of interaction with the weapons and environment.
Was going to post my thoughts on this, but thought they would be better expressed in a blog post, check the blog page if you want to see it.

That's just the 360, though. It's a mainstream system, and because of that you're going to get the mainstream audience playing multiplayer games. There are a lot of stupid kids that have been given these systems by their parents just to shut them up and sit them down. Halo has them too - hell, Counter Strike and TF2 have them. Most of the PC has been saved from this terror, THANK GOD, but if you want to get away from those kids you need to migrate away from the 360 as a system.

But yeah, it's pretty stupid.

They don't want to lose improvements they've made to the engine (they're subtle, but they are improvements). It is a very brown, very blase shooter with an extremely limited color palette, in part due to the 360's unbelievably limited hardware. I will give them credit where credit is due, however, the animations are absolutely beautiful. Beyond that, however...the very first Gears of War was able to use brown, gray, and dark green in a gorgeous fashion, and unfortunately it sparked a very, very stupid trend in the industry...
I hate PC controls and how some people on PCs are always hating on consoles because thye spend throusands of dollars on hardware and consoles buy no hardware.
I apologize sincerely for coming off as elitist, but there's a reason the eSports scene is 95% PC, and MLG is the only big-name circuit to include console shooters.
You did nothing wrong, its just PC gaming isn't my thing, and some people that I see on YouTube really make me glad I don't play on the PC.