My Apologies to All

To all who are tired of me trolling and derping on this forum, I have decided to stop what I have been doing and I'm going man up and to act my age. I will not post as much anymore, and I will focus on serious topics instead of being a fool on the forum. Sorry if you liked the immature troll I was, that's no longer me. (that does not mean I won't make jokes when it is appropriate) I have been told by many that I am immature and trolly, and I want to change that.

Once again sorry.

(if you don't believe me, go ahead. I will prove you wrong.)
To all who are tired of me trolling and derping on this forum, i have decided to stop what I have been doing and im going man up and to act my age. i will not post as much anymore, and i will focus on serious topics instead of being a fool on the forum. Sorry if you liked the immature troll i was, that's no longer me. (that does not mean i won't make jokes when it is appropriate) I have been told by many that i am immature and trolly, and i want to change that.

Once again sorry.
This post makes me proud...

(Work on Capitalizing your "I"s.)
You don't need to be serious all the time. It's OK to have fun, but things around here are getting a bit too troll-tastic, and it's not only from you. Posting replies on threads of just pics and/or 3 word responses is becoming the norm around here, and that need to be corrected. If you really can't think of anything worthwhile to contribute to a thread, then maybe you shouldn't be posting anything at all.
moondoggy23 said:
You don't need to be serious all the time. It's OK to have fun, but things around here are getting a bit too troll-tastic, and it's not only from you. Posting replies on threads of just pics and/or 3 word responses is becoming the norm around here, and that need to be corrected. If you really can't think of anything worthwhile to contribute to a thread, then maybe you shouldn't be posting anything at all.

Thing is, I want to be considered a mature user, who isn't disruptive and annoying. I understand what you mean, and that was partly what I meant, I wanted to say that if I'm going to post, I'm going to make my posts higher quality and actually contributes, and helps.
You don't need to be serious all the time. It's OK to have fun, but things around here are getting a bit too troll-tastic, and it's not only from you. Posting replies on threads of just pics and/or 3 word responses is becoming the norm around here, and that need to be corrected. If you really can't think of anything worthwhile to contribute to a thread, then maybe you shouldn't be posting anything at all.

What moondoggy is getting at is a serious problem, not only on the t9k forums, but across the realm of online socializing. Slowly but surely, online chatting and discussion is losing meaning and thoughtfulness. We are mature people, we should be focused on having intelligent conversations and thoughtful discussion, rather than the pointless "haha. lol. that is so funny," which adds nothing of meaning to a conversation.

Currently in my international relations class, I am having discussions and conversations with a partner at a school in South Africa. My teacher actually warned me that in previous years, the conversations between these partners have degraded to meaningless one line banter conversations similar to what goes on in some of these forum threads.

One could argue that the meaning of life is social/human interaction. Go out, meet new people, and have intelligent conversations with them that will benefit you so that you have something to take away from it. These forums should not just be a race to see who can make a crude joke to get the most likes.

I ask that everyone takes a step back for a moment and self assess how you have acted on this forum. Ask yourself if you are contributing to meaningful conversations with thoughtful ideas and comments. Every now and then we can all poke a little fun and make a joke, but I, along with many other on mumble, agree that the quality of the forums at this moment is very low.


Thing is, I want to be considered a mature user, who isn't disruptive and annoying. I understand what you mean, and that was partly what I meant, I wanted to say that if I'm going to post, I'm going to make my posts higher quality and actually contributes, and helps.

i was the same too, ask Vorsprung we had a nice little chat together and we made things clear, you can post and still have fun, you just have to lay low on the horse play a little until everyone gets to know you :)

lol, you are in the United States right?

Of course I am. No idea how this is in any way relevant to the conversation though...

I respect your view of the matter, but we are trying to influence a change here for the better. You seem to be mistaken as you believe that there are not troll threads on this forum. Look again, this time with your eyes open. There is a LOT of it 24/7. Although you may just turn a blind eye to it and move on, to the users who are most active, having to look at the crap all day long gets irritating. This thread is an attempt to change the direction that this forum is heading before it becomes an unbearable problem with harsher consequences. I would hate to see very strict rules set in place just because of some annoying children. There are still a lot of mature users who enjoy these forums that would like to keep it on the lenient side.
I agree that the level of troll is way too high, but we ARE a gaming community overfilled with minecrafters, many of whom are in their early-to-mid-teens. We've proven that we can be serious (check out the legal and political threads, hoo-boy) but after a long day of work and heavy discussions, it's nice to come to a place where I don't have to be careful to be mature all the time.