My entry to Fdebijl contest (Pony related Original Story)


Well-Known Member
Solaria Pony Adventures!

Once upon a time there were 6 Ponies who lived in Solaria , Starlight, Lola, Peaches, Jackie, Desta, and Milo.
Starlight was a very intelligent unicorn living in Solaria, she owned one of the biggest library's in all of Solaria. She was reading her books eating Doritos. One day Lola come to her door asking her if she would like to take a walk around the town and get everyone together for a another big party. However Lola had already thrown 3 party's this week, however Starlight insisted to go.

So they went to Peaches who owned one of the biggest peach Plantations in all of Solaria. She was busy picking the peaches when Starlight and Lola showed up asking her to the party and Peaches insisted she had to pick all these peaches by ends meet or she cant get everything ready for next season. Starlight and Lola offered to help but Peaches insisted she could do it on her own. After about 10 minutes of Lola bouncing around asking Peaches agreed and let Lola and Starlight help. Once they were done they left and before they left little Peachers with Doritos crumbs on her face asked if she could come along but Peaches insisted she stayed with the plantation and so they left to go get Jackie.

When they got to Jackie who was a unicorn, they saw her packing up alot of fabrics and diamonds and they all asked where are you moving to. She said she was moving to Canterlot all the way in Pony-ville. She had been invited by Princess Celestia to design clothes there in Canterlot. Everyone gasped. But Lola who was to busy running around the room jumping from box to box kept singing asking if she wanted to attend the party. Jackie did have a lot to pack but Jackie finally agreed to come to the party. So they all left to get Desta who was a very fast Pegasus who was busy clearing the sky's in her wonder-bolt costume. She came down and flew over asking what everyone was up to. Lola jumped up and asked if she wanted to come to the party and she said she had to clear the rest of the sky's. So Lola offered up a challenge to get it done faster. Lola said to do it in 10 seconds flat. So she get set and 10 seconds later there wasn't a single cloud to be seen in the sky. So when she came back down they all left to get Milo.

When they got the Solar garden, they couldn't seem to find Milo. They looked around and they found Milo who was a Pegasus, fast asleep in the bushes in the back of the Garden. Then when they were about to wake her up her when her pet Bird flew up and stopped them, but the bird was a bit tired as well as it just got done eating a whole Doritos chip.. The bird was flying very crooked and then fell asleep, then they all woke up Milo. Milo was a bit tired and also a bit shy. But she got a bit mad when she noticed all her lily's were stepped on. But then everyone decided to replant them before they left. Desta went to the store and bought new lily's faster then anyone noticed and everyone else put the lily's in the ground. Once they replanted them everyone went back to Starlight's house cause she was informed of Lola's amazing plan for the party.

So Starlight went to talk to her pet dragon tyke who was a very fat dragon and was eating a brand new food that just came into Soalria called Doritos. She asked how hard would it be to teleport to Canterlot. Tyke told her it wouldn't be that hard but to teleport everyone would be a challenge. Starlight went back downstairs and they all huddled close. Starlights horn started to glow and then in a flash they were all gone. But they weren't in Canterlot. They weren't even with each other! Lola was in Everfree forest. Starlight was 10 hove steps away from where she was just standing. Peaches was sent to Pony ville. Milo was sent to the Whitetail Woods. Desta was sent all the way to Cloudsdale. However Jackie was sent straight to Canterlot. How will they ever find each other.....?

To be continued.....

by Rsmv2you

Also Happy Birthday Fdebijl
if i didnt know any better, i would of thought you write for MLP..from the 2 minutes of seen of one episode
if i didnt know any better, i would of thought you write for MLP..from the 2 minutes of seen of one episode
My goal was to just make a parallelish sorta story. Something people were familiar with so they weren't lost in it and they found it more entertaining to read, But also make a little different and add a hinder or problem in the story. :)