My HD PVR broke :(


Well-Known Member
I was recording for the game reveiw contest, and of course, my sister walks into my room, AND STEPS ON IT. So now I have to use my extremely old easycap, and now my max res is only going to be like 360p.
Sorry to be the jerk here, but...why would keep high-end electronics sitting on the floor to begin with? Hopefully this is a lesson learned. Never trust anyone with anything of yours, even if it is in your possession.

Sorry to hear about the bad luck. Is your sister going to make it up to you somehow?
Depending on what game you have, I can record some footage for you. My HDPVR still works ;)
Sorry to be the jerk here, but...why would keep high-end electronics sitting on the floor to begin with? Hopefully this is a lesson learned. Never trust anyone with anything of yours, even if it is in your possession.

Sorry to hear about the bad luck. Is your sister going to make it up to you somehow?
Normally nobody goes in my room, and my room is too small to fit more than a bed and a tv, let alone a table or something for my pvr.