Mythruna - a better Minecraft?


Active Member
Why yes, I am bringing another potential game/time sink we can all play.

Is it currently better than Minecraft? Well wouldn't go that far... yet. The engine looks very nice, and it seems the creator(s) are going to have a story and some light rpg progression in the game. And yes, you are seeing correctly, the game has 45 degree angles.

Download Page

I think it just looks like a minecraft mod, anyone with enough time and effort could probably make a mod that could do this.
I admit that game looks pretty swanky, and could possibly be as good as MC.

Notch better step up his game. Or someone'll kick his fat ass off the throne... I see that in 7 more months.
Does it have mobs, electrical circuits, dungeons, crafting, portals, skins and/or farming fishing?
If so, I may try it. I really have mixed feelings about it though...
The flowing water, 45 degree angles were cool, wild grass and furniture were also nice touches.
minecraft already has angle mods. look it up.

However the accessories is what has me. Chairs, tables, etc.

I don't like the weird floating in the air light blocks.