NationStates Web Game


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Pyrhos here, not sure if any of you guys have heard of NationStates, but basically, you make a nation, and decide on issues that effect your nation accordingly. The site is and its really quite interesting, seeing your tiny nation become a sprawling mega-nation. Make your nation into a Psycotic Dictatorship or Civil Rights Lovefest, you decide! :p My nation is called Gallifrax, and im doing pretty good. So, I challenge you, T9K! Make a nation, and see if you have what it takes to rule!
I see you play it :D Im residing in the wonderful region of the Greater Allied Union if you want to join me
My nation is Lotari
Government that secretly knocks people off, parents have to undergo a series of grueling tests to be allowed to have children, hard to tell where government stops and companies begin....

Your nation is like the worst possible combination of Nazi Germany, Cold War USSR, and modern USA.

I sincerely congratulate you on making the best possible decisions, Empress Patchouli.
I played this a long, long, long time ago. I don't remember what I called my Nation. Most likely it doesn't even exist anymore. I played with a friend that sent me the link one day. I think I made my own flag or something. I don't remember. It was pretty silly. I remember that. Entertaining for a bit as well.
I played this a long, long, long time ago. I don't remember what I called my Nation. Most likely it doesn't even exist anymore. I played with a friend that sent me the link one day. I think I made my own flag or something. I don't remember. It was pretty silly. I remember that. Entertaining for a bit as well.
If you for some reason remember the name of your nation, and the password, you can revive it. If you registered with an email though, that would probably help. I've lost a couple other nations I've made due to the fact I couldn't remember the password and didn't have it attached to my email. Luckily, I remembered Lotari's password in one of the many times it has died, and attached it to my email.
We could do that, but I like the Greater Allied Union, and I could slap a password on it if need be.