Need For Speed World


I might as well mention it here, since, in case you haven't yet seen the decay, you all must be warned that this is one of THE worst MMO's out there.

In fact, I couldn't give you a list of everything wrong if I had a month to do it, so I'm just ranting about what I can remember off of the top of my head. The poorly-designed and money-haggling features around every corner, crappy leveling rates, ZERO anti-hacking software, and a production team which is, apparently, deaf of the community's thoughts, makes up but a few. It's a disaster.

Patches are often unacceptable, either breaking something, making a component of the game much worse, or adding more shiny content for micro-transaction money.

That is one of the biggest issues; World has the Speed Boost system, which is their IRL-money currency for the game. The developers at Black Box and whoever it is at EA seem to find a new way to virtually force players to buy into the game to be competitive, since there are so many over-advantages in gameplay.

For example, there are six categories of performance parts, each with 9 levels. You can earn these parts by winning races, but they are, apparently, completely at random, and the odds of winning one are likely close to 1 in 100 WINS; yes, wins, not any finishing order. However, with 1800 SpeedBoost, you can buy a set of 5 "cards," where one of them is guaranteed to be a ridiculously-powerful performance part. See how this goes?

Anyway, I'll be sticking with MC, obviously. If you want a better idea of what life is like there, go to the EA forums: Be warned, though, there's a guy with a fake account spamming hate at the dev's at the moment. It could be awhile until one of their moderators decides to clean it up. Also expect problems with the technical end of the forums.
