Need help from apple/iPhone users


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have an iPad 2 and my wife's grandmother just got a iPhone. It's either an iPhone 3 or 4, but we aren't 100% sure, and she also has a DSL connection in her house, which is set up on a wifi network. Her grandmother lives in Ohio and we live in north Carolina and she would like to use FaceTime with us. I was trying to walk her through how to set up her phone to connect to her network, which she was able to do without much issue. When it got time to doing FaceTime we were unable to connect to each other. Her network isn't an issue, I set it up myself the last time I was up there and it hasn't been messed with. Our network is fine, we FaceTime with my mother-in-law all the time with no issues. My only thought would be that her connection is simply too slow (even for DSL) for us to connect and chat. I was wondering if any of you have had similar experiences or other suggestions.
I am an avid iPhone / FaceTime user, but it is very difficult to trouble shoot without actually seeing the devices in question and assessing the internet connections.

it seems to me that the problem is on her end. Depending on how recently she signed up to FaceTime with her Apple ID, it often takes Apple a bit to process new users of FaceTime. Try giving it a day, and make sure that all of her information in the FaceTime settings is correct (Apple ID, email reached at, etc)
Does she have 3G where she is? Regardless of wifi if she is out in the sticks with a poor signal she won't be able to face time.

DSL averages between 1 and 3 megs and that is plenty of bandwidth for a video session over the internet. If face time absolutely won't work look for an app that maybe does it over the internet.
Actually, I think Strat may have hit the nail on the head. We'll have to try that out. She got the phone very recently, so she may not have set up an Apple ID.
Actually, I think Strat may have hit the nail on the head. We'll have to try that out. She got the phone very recently, so she may not have set up an Apple ID.

That would probably be it. Do you know if she has an itunes account? Because you must have one in order to sign up for FaceTime
Strat probably is right, also she has to enable FaceTime on her device for it to work.
^Not true. A friend face timed me when I had no idea what the fuck it was. I was all putting the phone up to my ear and I couldn't really hear him and when I looked at my screen there he was!

Awesome story I know...
^Not true. A friend face timed me when I had no idea what the fuck it was. I was all putting the phone up to my ear and I couldn't really hear him and when I looked at my screen there he was!

Awesome story I know...
I was just posting what I had to do before I could use FaceTime, a friend of mine didn't have to do it, though. Each one is different, I guess.