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Need permissions to my house


New Member
So, almost exactly two years ago, I joined team9000 classic minecraft server and built a house in the main world.
Now i joined again and recognized my house. So i was wondering if i could get permissions to build there?
You built a house two years ago, rejoined the classic server, and saw it again? Bish, you be trippin'.
Ok, here it is.
You certainly have been gone a long time. It does indeed appear that this house belongs to you. Unfortunately, in the time you have been gone we have changed the way building permissions and ranks work (we added them). Right now, despite this being your house, we can not give you access to build in Main (it is now a world reserved for the very elite and top ranks on the server). As a show of good faith and as a welcome back, I am going to rank you up to cool (this literally never happens) so that you may build in more private / grief free areas. If you show up, play, and demonstrate your creative abilities we can work with the current Team9000 Classic staff about POSSIBLY getting you build access to a limited custom zone around your house in Main. I hope this is an acceptable solution to you, because it is all I have to offer.