Nevermind FEMA, Check Waffle House


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine just sent me this link, which is humorous and saddening at the same time. It's from Gizmodo and they are pulling a quote from FEMA administrator Craig Fugate (for non-Americans, and almost all Americans, FEMA stands from Federal Emergency Management...Association, or something like that. They are responsible for recovery and rescue in the US after a major event like a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, et. al.) where he states that a good indicator as to whether someone should evacuate a disaster-struck area, and the level of FEMA's response in the same area is how open a Waffle House is. To quote the article, and Mr. Fugate, "Green means the restaurant is serving a full menu, a signal that damage in an area is limited and the lights are on. Yellow means a limited menu, indicating power from a generator, at best, and low food supplies. Red means the restaurant is closed, a sign of severe damage in the area or unsafe conditions."

The most recent example of this would be after hurricane Irene struck the US, a Waffle House remained open, in spite of losing power, by cooking on propane grills. The shop closed at night, since the cook couldn't see without light, but reopened the next day. So, there you have it. Ignore FEMA, and call your local Waffle House if you ever happen to get affected by a natural disaster.