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New "Main" Map?


I've been thinking for a while and wanted to suggest a new "Main" map. There isn't anything wrong with the map we have right now, but I just though that we could make a better one. The "Main" right now looks like an ordinary map when you first spawn in, and the only indication for a new comer that it's not is the giant Team9000 sign. That's why we get a lot of guests who say "Why can't I build", true they haven't read the rules but I think we could indicate more that it's not a guest map if we made a different "Main." I was thinking more of a portal based map. Where guests spawn in the middle of a map with portals all around them to different worlds. The portals could be themed for each world like in the snapshot down below (These are from an old server I used to own). From looking at the commands on their Wiki, I don't think fCraft (the software the Team9000 server runs on) has any portal commands, so this could not work out. I also understand that some people will not want the change either because they have a house on "Main" or possibly because of the sentimental value of the map. Either way, this is just a suggestion because we have many talented builders and I think we could create an incredible new map. Thank you for your time, and please reply telling me your opinion.
I know I'm just a builder on the server but I do get on the classic server, beta server, Mumble, and forums everyday, so hopefully my opinion can be respectable! :D

I remember going on that server a really long time ago.

But anywho, I see your point. But anyone with half a brain and isn't under 13 can read the /rules splashed around everywhere. It says it every time you log in and every time you walk away from spawn. It's not really a server problem, it's just people being idiots and not bothering to read the rules. You stated that in you saying they haven't read the rules, but still. I really quite like the current system.

Reading the rules to find out how to build is effectively a way to force people to read the rules so people can't claim ignorance and spew things like "Oh I didn't know that was against the rules!" and be complete dick cheeses. That's why we need to find out how to teleport in the rules, to stop really annoying situations like that.

I find the current system good, maybe I have to spam "to find out how to build type /rules" But in the long run, everyone who has built, has read the rules.
In a possible new "Main" map we could still have the "Read the rules" sign above the guest entrance, but I think that would be a small reason to get a new map. There will still always be the guests who won't be able to follow simple instructions. The main reason would be to have a larger/neater/more impressive main map. Having such a big server, I think we should have a really good main map.
I was also thinking, if we did go through with this, that we could assign a specific player for each portals design, so there'd be a lot of time and effort put into each one, and the "Main" map would look fantastic.
In a possible new "Main" map we could still have the "Read the rules" sign above the guest entrance, but I think that would be a small reason to get a new map. There will still always be the guests who won't be able to follow simple instructions. The main reason would be to have a larger/neater/more impressive main map. Having such a big server, I think we should have a really good main map.
The current freaking huge "READ /RULES" sign doesn't work, why would another one work? Especially if they have no reason to read the rules because they can get to another world without even trying.

And the main map is really good. There's nothing wrong with it.
The current freaking huge "READ /RULES" sign doesn't work, why would another one work? Especially if they have no reason to read the rules because they can get to another world without even trying.

And the main map is really good. There's nothing wrong with it.
Again, we wouldn't make a new main map just so guests would read the rules more often, we'd make it so that we could have a very impressive main map. The "Main" map is the guests initial impression of the server, so it should be really good, especially if you have a server as good as ours. If we have a giant "Read the rules" sign above the guest entrance, then guests would be responsible for reading it, since it would be impossible to miss. If they said they didn't read the rules, that's their fault for ignoring the sign.

Also, I wasn't dissing our main map, but it doesn't really resemble a welcoming map. It has an awesome Team9000 sign, but the rest is just houses connected by a sporadic gold path.
Again, we wouldn't make a new main map just so guests would read the rules more often, we'd make it so that we could have a very impressive main map. The "Main" map is the guests initial impression of the server, so it should be really good, especially if you have a server as good as ours. If we have a giant "Read the rules" sign above the guest entrance, then guests would be responsible for reading it, since it would be impossible to miss. If they said they didn't read the rules, that's their fault for ignoring the sign.

Also, I wasn't dissing our main map, but it doesn't really resemble a welcoming map. It has an awesome Team9000 sign, but the rest is just houses connected by a sporadic gold path.

Last I checked, there IS a giant "/RULES", in fact a couple of them, and a notification upon login saying something similar.

And the houses are very welcoming, I recall being quite impressed at the houses on t9k's server. I had no trouble figuring out what to do, and anyone with half a brain cell and the ability to read doesn't either.
Imo, the requirement to read the rules to know how/where to build helps put less work load on the staff. People who can't fucking read and follow directions don't need to be on the server, and I'm sure it helps weed out a lot of the more stupid griefers.

I know I'm on Team9000 when I log into main. It's distinctive and has been the same for a looong time. If you have impressive builds in the map, it would also take longer to load. Many players (especially guests) have horrible, horrible computers and internet....
I can understand keeping the map for sentimental value, this was just a suggestion in the first place.

@TheGurw I never said there wasn't a /rules sign, so I don't know what you're talking about, and I said multiple times that I just wanted a new map because I know we can make an epic one. I'm fine with the homes too, but it resembles to much of a guest map sometimes, besides the giant sign.
I can understand keeping the map for sentimental value, this was just a suggestion in the first place.

@TheGurw I never said there wasn't a /rules sign, so I don't know what you're talking about, and I said multiple times that I just wanted a new map because I know we can make an epic one. I'm fine with the homes too, but it resembles to much of a guest map sometimes, besides the giant sign.

i think this entire discussion is futile.. main is not going to change. If we had a more impressive world, then more idiots would think thats where you build. Once they got to guest, they'd simply cry themselves to sleep knowing they cant add to the 'awesomeness'
I've given up anyways, because it obviously won't happen, but if it was more impressive, then less people would mistake it for the guest world.
the admins must like the current main, because they JUST expanded it to make room for more similar buildings.
Because so far everyone has disagreed with me, but I could wait to see what the actual admins think...
tbarius is an actual admin.

Also, The reason we do not have signs or portals to worlds in the spawn map is because we use this as a tool to make sure that 99% of users accessing guest are those that have actually read the rules or atleast skimmed over them.
tbarius is an actual admin.

Also, The reason we do not have signs or portals to worlds in the spawn map is because we use this as a tool to make sure that 99% of users accessing guest are those that have actually read the rules or atleast skimmed over them.
pfft, im as much an admin as cheese is a fruit :P
I know on MCForge, there is a setting that makes it so that the guests can't access any worlds or use any coammands, until they type a command saying they've read the rules. That's always an option, but I'm fine with the current "Main" too, I just think it could be a lot better. I didn't mean to start such a debate.
I'm not sure how much I matter on this but the "main" world has always been that it's there to weed out griefers there have been way to many videos of people trying to grief it. It's also a place for the few who have gotten above builder to show off. And there have been many guest in main say that it looks amazing. That and we are one of the only, and maybe the only, servers that have the main setup like this out make us unique. I personally like the main as it is. Done on my phone so ignore typos please thank you ^.^
