New pc!

Hoo-rah! I got my new pc!

Too bad it still has XP and a ton of old games like Warcraft II.

ATM, I do not have interwebz. I am getting them tomorrow. And then I am wiping it, putting w7 on there, and installing all my old stuff.

Just thought you all should know.
Specs will come later.
Here's a picture


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Pl4t0 said:
Yeah, why wipe it? Classic games rule!

Better yet, just transfer your old hard drive over and keep both, thereby adding a bunch of awesome games to your collection.

I have them all on CD's

Indeed. It is a dell, and she is about 5 years old, BUT I have an amazing graphics card and an alright processor.
the pic was taken on an ipod touch.

Processor: Pentium (R) 4cpu 2.40 GHz, 2.39 GHz 1.5 GB ram
Graphics card: Radeon HD 3650
The thing is that you will have to wipe it to put win7 on it... Best idea is to back up any games that are on the computer that you want :D
so its a "gaming" computer on Windows XP, has the old dell case... and has games like Warcraft 3 on it? (which like any computer can play)

well hopefully its actually and upgrade. Good luck with everything tho!
;( I can't even play LoL atm.

I got this computer hoping that it could play portal 2... (well it was described as a gaming computer...)
I am severely disappointed. At least I didn't pay a penny for it. Hopefully once i upgrade and wipe my hard drive and get this dag nab new hardware in there i can play this stuff.
;( I can't even play LoL atm.

I got this computer hoping that it could play portal 2... (well it was described as a gaming computer...)
I am severely disappointed. At least I didn't pay a penny for it. Hopefully once i upgrade and wipe my hard drive and get this dag nab new hardware in there i can play this stuff.
Lol, you can't play LoL.