Official Modern Warfare 3 Trailer

I love it how both FPS Franchises...despite being completely different games and having completely different gamestyles...release their Launch Trailers within days of each other :p

Now, in my opinion the story for BF3 seems for engaging, for me at least.
In my opinion they slacked off when making this they took away fun pieces of Black ops like the way kill streaks are set up BF3 for me all the way
0:27 - 0:33
Ladies and Gentlemen, Cpt. Price is back *salute
Hope to see "Soap" too : )
How much do you want to bet that Price becomes Evil? its just another dumb CoD plot twist with no real explanation. IT also shows him punching your character in the face and down a flight of stairs in the trailer.
How much do you want to bet that Price becomes Evil? its just another dumb CoD plot twist with no real explanation. IT also shows him punching your character in the face and down a flight of stairs in the trailer.

Would like to place the hero vid screaming no here again but that would just get annoying by time, so I'll just sit here and with this frozen face: :eek:

Hmm maybe, I don't hope so but anyway I don't think much about if itll be a good plot or not, I always liked the story so far : )
I like that their big budget isn't actually going to waste - and it seems as though we're going to get to see more than just the battlefield at a few points to flesh out the story, another positive. I've outlined my hopes and fears before at great length, so let's suffice it to say that I don't think I'll be the one they pander to...

Hadn't thought of this. This would fucking suck, if Activision pulls this punch (SEE WHAT I DID THERE) it would be unforgivable.
they had the general in mw2 turn sides. They did it once. Just like dieing in cod4. Then in mw2 they pulled the dying thing like 4 times? So why not pull betrayal now like 4 timeS?