Oh the ponanity!


Well-Known Member
What even... Apparently somehow my girlfriend and I are becoming bron...erm, what the hell do you call girls that like the show?

Becoming whatever that is.

I prefer Brony to be non-gender specific, but there is Pegasister. Don't like that personally, but what ever floats the community's boat.
I just have to say I've been to the Netherlands and I get swarmed.

Girlfriend can mean a friend that is a girl, often a close friend, or it can mean a partner, like boyfriend/girlfriend.

according to proper english, 'friend' is for both boys and girls.
if you add the word 'boy' or 'girl' to it (like girlfriend) it indicates that the person is in a relationship with this specific person.
[/things i learn at school]
Girlfriend can mean a friend that is a girl, often a close friend, or it can mean a partner, like boyfriend/girlfriend.

By girlfriend I mean girlfriend. I don't use "girlfriend" when talking about just female friends in general.

How'd this get to be the main topic? >.>
according to proper english, 'friend' is for both boys and girls.
if you add the word 'boy' or 'girl' to it (like girlfriend) it indicates that the person is in a relationship with this specific person.
[/things i learn at school]
Lol, the Dutch. If a Dutchman doesn't speak English very well, give him a couple years. He soon will be able to speak English better than you, the native speaker. ;)

Anyways back on the subject,

Since I for some reason got the urge to do it, I might as well share. Just some stuff I got so far, kind of a rough bio.

Scarlet Moon.png

This is Scarlet Moon, a unicorn pegasus, one of very few. Her father was a unicorn, while her mother was a pegasus. Rather than simply have her choose between magic and flying, her parents insisted she take up both, sending her off to Cloudsdale for flight school while taking a magic correspondence course.

Scarlet Moon is rather shy, avoiding any confrontation she can. However, that mood can change on the situation. If pushed to do so, she will be the complete opposite, giving those that wrong her or her friends a piece of her mind (and if need be, her hoof). Friends of hers will soon find out that she is quite loyal, along with very playful, even competitive. She just needs time to open up to other ponies.

Keeping up with both flight school and magic school was no problem for her, becoming quite capable in both fields, accomplishing difficult flying techniques along with even creating her own spells. She also equally loves both, and trying to become better and better.

One of her major goals is to combine her two passions and create a spell to make a floating island with a library on it, one she could move about as she pleases. Preferably to where her friends might be.
Personally, I think Pegasister is an unusual term since it is specific only to Pegasus ponies, leaving out the Earth and Unicorn types.

Brony is gender neutral, since the first MLP fans came from the /co/ and /b/ boards of 4chan. A combination of "/b/" and "pony" was made to create the term "brony".
Personally, I think Pegasister is an unusual term since it is specific only to Pegasus ponies, leaving out the Earth and Unicorn types.

Brony is gender neutral, since the first MLP fans came from the /co/ and /b/ boards of 4chan. A combination of "/b/" and "pony" was made to create the term "brony".
You sure it wasn't because of pony+bro? Hence "brohoof" instead of "brofist"?
You sure it wasn't because of pony+bro? Hence "brohoof" instead of "brofist"?

Nobody can be sure about this I guess. After one year people are still split over what to call the female fans. I've seen ridiculous names like "bronettes", "fillies", and "mares". Many people think the word "brony" is gender neutral while others insist on having a separate name for female fans.

In my opinion it's kind of unusual having separate names for two genders of the same fanbase. Why not we all call ourselves "ponies"? lol
By girlfriend I mean girlfriend. I don't use "girlfriend" when talking about just female friends in general.

How'd this get to be the main topic? >.>
I'm so confused now...
*smashes face through monitor trying to find answers*
Aetherrack said:
Not one that you'll ever get :D


Ustulo said:
Because I must have knowledge!

And it says that your are female on your profile, so it can either mean one or two things, either of which are just fine.

She's a girl.

Girlfriend could mean what girls call their best friends or a girl you are in a relationship with. Understood?