Oh well.


Or in my case "unwelcome"
It seems the folks of team9000 have decided to vote to ban me from mumble.
With no reasons provided it leaves me feeling a tad hurt that people I've talked to for months of my life now would so easily choose to eject me from team9000.

Without a reason none the less.
Whatever I have done to irritate you folks or make you decide to dislike me to the point to where you would call a vote banning me, sorry.

Honestly I feel a tad betrayed it's so easy for everyone but whatever.
It's the internet, nobody cares.

Well it was fun I guess.
Welcome, either way. I don't know what happened, but there are common reasons for banning, particularly from Mumble.

Possible reasons:
1. You lied about your age when you signed up, and were braggy (or some related attitude) about it.
2. You trolled, spammed, have an annoying habit, or held down your push-to-talk while blasting annoying or badly-captured music.
3. You otherwise excelled at demonstrating how to be a douchemonkey.
4. The OP doesn't like you for his own obscure reasons. It happens sometimes. I can't help you there.

Either way, I can't help. Good luck to you anyway.