Oh yeah,

If you're on Win 7: Get less faulty hardware
If you're on vista: See windows 7, also install it.
If you're on xp: lolwat, install windows 7.

If you're on a Mac: O_O
If you're on Win 7: Get less faulty hardware
If you're on vista: See windows 7, also install it.
If you're on xp: lolwat, install windows 7.

If you're on a Mac: O_O


Windows 7 doesn't BSOD...it will just crash if your hardware/drivers are teh suck.

Windows 7 = God
Windows Vista = Troll Status (Vista user also love IE)
Windows XP = Nothing wrong with XP...it's just ugly. But at least you can push out a little more FPS in games in XP, but you won't get the beauty of DX10-DX11.

In other words, Install Windows 7 Profesional/Ultimate.
I don't know about that, for if that were true all PCs with XP would be crashing in the same way.

With the latest service packs, xp has become more stable, but I'm confident that they crash more often than a system running Windows 7.
I don't know about that, for if that were true all PCs with XP would be crashing in the same way.

They... did actually. The kernel was unstable and unpredictable under particular circumstances. XP was worse at isolating application memory, and thats why crashing programs could sometimes take out the entire machine. In windows 7, you get the nice "this application has exploded, would you like to close it?" prompt.
That's true, and I remember when I had Vista and tried to do a full screen on Project 64, did the same thing. Still, you can't expect to achieve perfection from Windows 7 (or any operating system for that matter), especially if you're dealing with some form of malware. If you have a virus, switching around hardware isn't going to do anything.

I'd be interested to know what exact problem drsheep's having. Does the bsod give any extra info? (does it name a file, give a message like UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP, etc)