Ohai people, im back!


Ohai there people, My name is redhaze5 and im a builder in minecraft clasic.

Im 15 years old and minecraft has become my obsesion for the past month, that i have played.

I like building stuff in the guest world, and in zone11.

I like stalking the griefers and helpimg them.

I havent played in a while cause i was in my summer vacation, but hey im back now! Well i think thats all. So bai people. Oh and the most important thing; I LOVE SPLEEF.

Ohai der red! WB to da famiwy :D and yesh, stalking griefers be vewy fun. (Shhh, be vewy quiet, I'm hunting gwifers! [that souded dirty])
So people think that because i compliment them equals the action that i am an admi. Let me just say this, I AM A BUILDER WHO LOOKS AT PROMOTION APLICATIONS AND COMPLIMENTS PEOPLE. I dont think i am acting like an admi. but if you thought that i was then i am sorry.