On a scale.


Well-Known Member
So i wake up because i keep hearing this weird banging noise. Turns out it's my back door swinging in the wind. My level of
"not happy" with being woke up by something that should not be is around 2. Then i take in my surroundings. Air is running
hard and fast, the front door s also open one kid is out side in PJ's and socks shirt on upside down, inside out, and backwards (it took a solid minute to comprehend what the hell with his shirt) the other is celebrating spring break by being completely naked and jumping around. My level of not happy is now a 5 because i have no idea how long my AC unit has been giving its soul to try and cool my house down with both doors open or how long my kids have been performing shenanigans. While retrieving PJ boy i notice my car is not in the driveway and note the time as 20 minutes before i have to leave for work which means 1. my wife is not home, all this could have been some much worse and 2. if she isn't within 1 mile of home I'm gonna be late for work. My level of "not happy" has skyrocketed into "blood in my eye pissed"and on that scale I'm contemplating unleashing wrath somewhere in between "Genghis Khan" and "That one time God almost destroyed the entire earth".

Dear everybody on the road. GTFO MY WAY.
So from my observation on your explanation:

1.) Wife was not home.

2a.) You were awake when she left and fell asleep
2b.) Asleep when she left

3.) Both children were unattended in any manner.

4.) Electricity was wasted.

5.) You were awoken in a unusual manner.

6.) The shit storm that is waiting for your wife is unfathomable.
I left for work at 1:30. It's a 30-45 minute ride to work most days. I arrived at 1:44.
1. yes
2 B
3. yes
4. metric fuck loads
5. it was like 82 in my room. the back door needs repair most likely.
6. she showed up with her sister, sisters kids, and sisters new BF.
This moved "blood in my eye pissed" into "wrath that pales the ragging inferno of a trillion super novas" and i think my nose bled a little while i was driving half speed of sound to work.

So now I want to: skin her alive with a rusty spoon, shove the after math up her a%%, shove my thumbs into her eyes until they squish/pop, wrap my d in one sided barbed wire, violently skull fuuuu her until she only has one eye socket and her brain cavity is a blood soaked man jelly filled gelatinous mass, make what is left a sacrificial offering to the god of war (Nordic or Roman), proceed to blow up all planets and planes of existence containing all small cute and mythological creatures she has ever loved with my ragging laser cock until the end of time.

I assume the visit with the sister, nieces and nephews, and wanna-be-brother-in-law was previously unannounced?

If so, your rage is justified and I will provide you with an alibi.

"Your honour, Brad could not have murdered everyone, as he was with me, in Canadia."
There will be no existence left for which a judgement would occur.


I'm only imagining that if you did not immediately rush out the door, you gave her a most embarrassing rage speech on how she is the incompetent being in the entire known galaxy.
The sister is someone i dislike immensely and have made many loud outbursts to state this fact repeatedly. I was only up for say 25 minutes and raging when the whole group showed up. The BF i don't know enough to say anything other than i wish he had better taste. Her kids can be okay but generally degrade into destructive, bitch about everything monsters within 20 minutes of arrival anywhere there are rules like "don't toss the glass plates and cups."
The sister is someone i dislike immensely and have made many loud outbursts to state this fact repeatedly. I was only up for say 25 minutes and raging when the whole group showed up. The BF i don't know enough to say anything other than i wish he had better taste. Her kids can be okay but generally degrade into destructive, bitch about everything monsters within 20 minutes of arrival anywhere there are rules like "don't toss the glass plates and cups."

Text me or see me in chat if you want to rage at me.
I left for work at 1:30. It's a 30-45 minute ride to work most days. I arrived at 1:44.
1. yes
2 B
3. yes
4. metric fuck loads
5. it was like 82 in my room. the back door needs repair most likely.
6. she showed up with her sister, sisters kids, and sisters new BF.
This moved "blood in my eye pissed" into "wrath that pales the ragging inferno of a trillion super novas" and i think my nose bled a little while i was driving half speed of sound to work.

So now I want to: skin her alive with a rusty spoon, shove the after math up her a%%, shove my thumbs into her eyes until they squish/pop, wrap my d in one sided barbed wire, violently skull fuuuu her until she only has one eye socket and her brain cavity is a blood soaked man jelly filled gelatinous mass, make what is left a sacrificial offering to the god of war (Nordic or Roman), proceed to blow up all planets and planes of existence containing all small cute and mythological creatures she has ever loved with my ragging laser cock until the end of time.

Marriage is a really wonderful and beautiful thing, isn't it?
Marriage is a really wonderful and beautiful thing, isn't it?
Some days you understand why atrocities are committed. The reason behind they are small and mostly petty then turn into these hot balls of molten rage at the small thing then turn into "cleansing" of some wort written about in history books.

Being able to write it down calms me down is all. Also don't get me wrong I don't dislike my wife for this. I just hate that something that could have been avoided by waking me up first and saying something. my upset level would have been a 2-4 at most and smokeing a cig and reading some porn-esk material would have averted the whole thing.

I'm all good now just needed to rage in my steel and double pane glass box at work.