Our admin work...


Well-Known Member
It's spilling out into our Facebook conversations....

Wait a min, you can ban people on facebook?!? :) /banall the friend that posts every min like its twitter: chat spam
- the wild Briggs has fainted - :fuuu:

Needs more :pika:

I am done, becoming too off topic/trolling now.
are you ( :yarly: ) implying that this topic ( :freshprince: ) was ever really on topic? if so, would you ( :notchface: ) please look at the section in which this topic ( :trollface: ) was posted? kthxbai :cool:
Just because it is off topic, does not mean you can troll it or go off the topic that is off topic.
Off topic means anything not specified in the other forum categories. It does not mean "Come here and spam the persons thread with useless comments and other junk." kthxbai
There is the logic behind what I was talking about. :cool:
....But it's my thread.
I am not talking about your thread. I am talking about the off topic section in general. Just going over that with quincy, not you :). It does go for everyone though. Not like I care, but for other people who post in the off topic and their thread gets trolled by our upstanding members, just because they think it is ok.

Disclaimer: This is not specific to this post, but to the entire forum section. I am just laying out what should be a given to all posts in the forums. If you do not mind the trolling in your thread, great. However, there are other people in the off topic that may not enjoy the same practices. So it would be best to not make it a custom. This is not to dismay you guys, I love you, not hate you.