

Well-Known Member
I recently got Overgrowth which I've been following in development for some months now. In case you didn't know, Overgrowth is an 3d, action, parkor, ninja-fighting game (in the vein of one of their previous games called Lugaru which is also quite awesome.) It is made my a indie company by the name of Wolfire which is comprised of 4 awesome guys that have been hard at work on this game for well over 2 years. You also get exclusive access to modding tools, their innovative game engine and gameplay mechanics, and early access to the games weekly updated alpha! It can be found at www.wolfire.com

They also are those behind the Humble Indie Bundles which in-case you haven't heard of those either are a compilation of smaller indie games that you can buy drm free for a price that YOU CHOOSE! Some games that have been featured in this are Trine, Lugaru, Machinarium, Revenge of the Titans, World of Goo, FrozenSynapse, and much much more! You can customize where your payments go so you can decide whether or not to give to the devs or the Electronic Frontier Foundation or Child's Play (witch are both dedicated helping children in hospitals receive video-games and entertainment) www.humblebundle.com Is where that can be found.

In conclusion, if you haven't heard of any of what I just discussed, then you owe it to yourself to check this out if your at all interested in awesome, cheap, and AWESOME, indie games.
Is this out now? I have also been following the development of it, but I kind of lost interest.
I also followed them, but I haven't seen any more vids in my subscriber box on Youtube. Are they still making videos?
EDIT: Never mind. I just checked their channel, and answered my own question. I'll set up an email alert for them this time around. I missed watching their videos.