Owling is the new planking?


Well-Known Member
Alright, when we just agreed that planking is so stupid, they invented OWLING? Like, what's the point of that?

I cannot believe this...
This topic thread is just as stupid as the thread itself so im just gonna see what this does...
View attachment 54258
I wish I was there...

Anyway, there's a kid in my school that's been owling way longer than anyone else has... actually, he always does it when he's stationary. The good thing is he's been doing it for 3 years, way before anyone ever thought of the concept. He's really creepy and doesn't talk much, though.:salad:
I wish I was there...

Anyway, there's a kid in my school that's been owling way longer than anyone else has... actually, he always does it when he's stationary. The good thing is he's been doing it for 3 years, way before anyone ever thought of the concept. He's really creepy and doesn't talk much, though.:salad:
This topic thread is just as stupid as the thread itself so im just gonna see what this does...

What if every post/thread you put up someone commented saying that it was stupid? This is the off topic section. Personally I don't think it's very polite, even if you don't do it all the time. You could have said that "Owling" was stupid and left it at that. It's not right to diminish the opinions of others.
What if every post/thread you put up someone commented saying that it was stupid? This is the off topic section. Personally I don't think it's very polite, even if you don't do it all the time. You could have said that "Owling" was stupid and left it at that. It's not right to diminish the opinions of others.
i said that knowing id get somebody a bit mad. >.<
sorry take the last part off. >.>
i said that knowing id get somebody a bit mad. >.<
sorry take the last part off. >.>

So it's your goal to actually upset someone? Not just a person, but someone. It could be anyone. That's really horrible. Think about what you said and how it might be perceived by others. It's not looking so good.
So it's your goal to actually upset someone? Not just a person, but someone. It could be anyone. That's really horrible. Think about what you said and how it might be perceived by others. It's not looking so good.
omg....ok look...I Think the idea of Planking is Stupid, So i thought the thread was irrelevant, also the thread was stupid. But Somehow i knew someone would take it the wrong way.....I Never Called Anybody Stupid All i said was i called Planking Stupid and this thread in general stupid which does not relate to the People commenting on it in any way. So really if you are offend by me saying this things then you either are this thread Physically or you plank.
I wish I was there...

Anyway, there's a kid in my school that's been owling way longer than anyone else has... actually, he always does it when he's stationary. The good thing is he's been doing it for 3 years, way before anyone ever thought of the concept. He's really creepy and doesn't talk much, though.:salad:
I want to meet this kid and give him a lollipop.
omg....ok look...I Think the idea of Planking is Stupid, So i thought the thread was irrelevant, also the thread was stupid. But Somehow i knew someone would take it the wrong way.....I Never Called Anybody Stupid All i said was i called Planking Stupid and this thread in general stupid which does not relate to the People commenting on it in any way. So really if you are offend by me saying this things then you either are this thread Physically or you plank.

I don't appreciate what you're insinuating. Read what you wrote and think about how that makes you sound and how I could take that. Because I am pretty sure you just called me stupid. Think before you type, which was my original point. Your negativity and your attitude toward various other members isn't winning you any respect as a fellow member of the community. If you think you have upset me in any way by making those comments then you are sorely mistaken. I just don't like to see postings of our members or their opinions diminished by anyone who thinks being a "Troll" is funny. There is a fine line between being a funny yet tolerable troll and then being a jackass. You should really look at the reaction of others around you to determine whether or not you are really being funny, or just pissing people off for no good reason. I'm just calling you on what I have seen throughout this forum and in the games we play. This isn't meant to insult you, it's meant to let you know that you might want to rethink how you speak to some people and how others may perceive you.
I don't appreciate what you're insinuating. Read what you wrote and think about how that makes you sound and how I could take that. Because I am pretty sure you just called me stupid. Think before you type, which was my original point. Your negativity and your attitude toward various other members isn't winning you any respect as a fellow member of the community. If you think you have upset me in any way by making those comments then you are sorely mistaken. I just don't like to see postings of our members or their opinions diminished by anyone who thinks being a "Troll" is funny. There is a fine line between being a funny yet tolerable troll and then being a jackass. You should really look at the reaction of others around you to determine whether or not you are really being funny, or just pissing people off for no good reason. I'm just calling you on what I have seen throughout this forum and in the games we play. This isn't meant to insult you, it's meant to let you know that you might want to rethink how you speak to some people and how others may perceive you.
After reading everything and reference to your last sentence, I do and to be perfectly honest the only people that i have ever pissed off are those who are trolling me and there intention is to be an asshole to me. Every time i "troll" i do it in good fun for the person Im trolling and everyone around me. Nobody has ever told me to stop trolling unless they are telling it to me and the person that's being a asshole to me.
I can see how you thought that i was mad at you and i thought you were mad at me. My post was simply stating what i thought and then something random. My post really didn't hurt a single person, if it did i don't see how, unless there from russia, Were physically this thread, or plank, and i know you were referring to me trolling in general and honestly i troll my best friends on team9000 and they see it in good fun and everyone has a good laugh. I mean Squeebz if the only trolling you see is on the forums its usually someone i know or not towards anybody in general. =\. and if you count random picture posting that are funny as trolling or annoying i don't see how it effects anybody. =\
After reading everything and reference to your last sentence, I do and to be perfectly honest the only people that i have ever pissed off are those who are trolling me and there intention is to be an asshole to me. Every time i "troll" i do it in good fun for the person Im trolling and everyone around me. Nobody has ever told me to stop trolling unless they are telling it to me and the person that's being a asshole to me.
I can see how you thought that i was mad at you and i thought you were mad at me. My post was simply stating what i thought and then something random. My post really didn't hurt a single person, if it did i don't see how, unless there from russia, Were physically this thread, or plank, and i know you were referring to me trolling in general and honestly i troll my best friends on team9000 and they see it in good fun and everyone has a good laugh. I mean Squeebz if the only trolling you see is on the forums its usually someone i know or not towards anybody in general. =\. and if you count random picture posting that are funny as trolling or annoying i don't see how it effects anybody. =\
Rsmv, your first post hurt me a little. Saying this thread is stupid, I just wanted everyone to discuss about owling anyways. Like squeebs said,"just say that owling is stupid and leave".