Pachua reporting in


New Member
I've been swept off my feet by the Minecraft fever (have played it AT LEAST 12 hours a day for the past 4 days), and have no intention of getting over it. I've been going through a lot of random public servers, and came to a Team9000 server where I was satisfied with what was going on (minus a few griefers here and there).

So here I am, introducing myself. Hope to see lots of great things from you guys.^_^
G'day and welcome to the club Pach :D awesome building btw, and awesome water elevator :P
When I first saw a 'Lets Play' on youtube for this game I didn't think much of it, joined a random server, somewhat liked it, created some things but they all got greifed pretty much instantly, so I tried a different server ala Team9000 and here I am :D
Unfortunately you're going to get greifers just about everywhere :(

Welcome and hope to see some more great creations from you mate!

i got a fever and the prescription is more minecraft
