Paranormal Pokemon Blue


Well-Known Member
So I am a huge fan of the Youtube commentator Blame Truth. He has always played a variety of games including Call of Duty, Gears of War, and Pokemon. Well recently he uploaded two videos that are.......spooky. Real or not, they are entertaining to watch.

THE STORY (Part 1, where everything important is explained, part 2 is not uploaded)


Dang, if that's real, that would scare the shit outa me. Especially the end of the 2nd video, that's just freaking creepy. Not saying that I think ghosts or stuff like that is real, but it tried giving myself goosebumps and it didn't work, it's just freaky.

Funny how he didn't redo the final part of the 1st video, not even in text. Instead, he makes a 2nd video talking about his malfunctions, and not even finishing the story about the white ditto. Besides, the 1st letters making D-E-A-D really tells me its fake, since the uploader seems to be using english as his mother language. It would more believeble to me if it was a word that was the same in several languages, or atleast in latin or japanese, since I'm fairly sure japanese people made Pokémon in the first place. That last part of the 2nd video made me jump a bit though, to be honest.
Funny how he didn't redo the final part of the 1st video, not even in text. Instead, he makes a 2nd video talking about his malfunctions, and not even finishing the story about the white ditto. Besides, the 1st letters making D-E-A-D really tells me its fake, since the uploader seems to be using english as his mother language. It would more believeble to me if it was a word that was the same in several languages, or atleast in latin or japanese, since I'm fairly sure japanese people made Pokémon in the first place. That last part of the 2nd video made me jump a bit though, to be honest.

The thing is, the whole thing revolved around a GLITCH, which means it was not put in the game by the producers.
Although the story is intriguing, my bullcrap meter just went offscale. But hes quite good at making this stuff up