PAX East 2014: Buttons!


Official Hookah
Anyone interested in this year's buttons, Crane is placing the order Tuesday, I think. So let us/him know quick!
There's 2 designs, as seen below, matching the shirts like last year.
They're $36 for a batch of 100 (50 of each design), to be picked up at PAX. If you want buttons and aren't coming to PAX you'll have to pay the shipping. Crane will use the actual USPS rate from his location in Chicago.
You CAN group up with others if you wanna split batches and cost.
I'm not sure how he wants to take le payments, and I'm sure I forgot some details, so Crane the dingus or I will add more/edit this soon. But state your interest now!
T9k2014_1 - 2.25_INCH_ROUND.jpg T9k2014_2 - 2.25_INCH_ROUND.jpg
Side Note: I'm getting a batch of 100, but don't need them to throw at people, since I'm not going to PAX. If someone wants to split a chunk of my order, let me know.
You may want to shrink the designs abit. Looking from the front, you're not going to see the tip of the avian's arrow, the trainer's finger, the corner's of the logo and slogan, and it will look like gordon is carrying a red stick. Their line guides are very... liberal. Going outside the dashes is just asking for it to be outside the front of the button (referring to last year).
Liberal is pretty standard with things like this. They do so many, it's not feasible to check every single button for exact placement. I didn't mind the wrap-over personally, but I've nudged them in a bit for your sanity. Images will update in a few.
That and stuff like this requires minimum orders and such. Silly printing companies.. not wanting to waste time and monies on tiny orders.
The relatively large size of the orders is because we plan on handing them out at PAX. If there's enough interest for buying individual sets, we may post something up to get that done.
Fair enough, I'd love to get my hands on a couple of those but I'm not in the us Q.Q
Any idea how much would it be to get those to the UK? I mean, with the size and that it shouldn't be that expensive?
Shouldn't be too bad. They'll fit in a little envelope wrapped up, even with cardboard and packing, probably weigh less than 5oz. (Depending on how many sets you want. That's an overestimate for 1 or 2 sets.) You can punch in a Chicago zip code on usps' website, to your location, with that weight and say a 6x9x1 mailer envelope size (1inch thickness) and non-machinable, to get a rough estimate. Or PM one of us your addy and we can check on rates. Did you get last year's buttons at all? We probably have extras that we can include at the same time.
Alright Kiddo's buttons have been ordered... So no more mass orders. There might be extras though if you're interested in small orders.