PelicanBook (

so, as a disclaimer, this could possibly be considered racist, but in that odd funny kinda way....and once you read it, you can never not hear it when you chance upon the situation. so if it affects your demographic, just remember its all in good fun.

I will explain this through a story.

I currently work for IBM as a Service Desk Anaylist, ultimately I fix computers for 2 large corporations. At one point in my job I was placed in charge of running our PC lab. The lab was situated outside of the area where they placed all of the contractors that they insourced from India, and there were a lot of them, the majority of which do not speak english very well. A lot of times they would gather outside of the lab and just jabber on about who knows what but it was mostly uninteligible....until my co-worker one day, comes busting into the lab and says, "Why is it, that all I hear when I pass a large group of them when they are talking, the only thing it sounds like is they are saying the word pelican repeatidly, very quickly, and in various voice intonations?" From that point, It is all I hear, I have a hard time not laughing very hard when I come across them talking to one another. I probably laughed at that little phrase for about a week strait and I could not work on any of their pc's for that week because of it. SO in conclusion, all I can think of when I see the word pelican, is a bunch of chatty indian contractors.

it may not be as funny to you as I thought it was, but I still think its hilarious.
so, as a disclaimer, this could possibly be considered racist, but in that odd funny kinda way....and once you read it, you can never not hear it when you chance upon the situation. so if it affects your demographic, just remember its all in good fun.

I will explain this through a story.

I currently work for IBM as a Service Desk Anaylist, ultimately I fix computers for 2 large corporations. At one point in my job I was placed in charge of running our PC lab. The lab was situated outside of the area where they placed all of the contractors that they insourced from India, and there were a lot of them, the majority of which do not speak english very well. A lot of times they would gather outside of the lab and just jabber on about who knows what but it was mostly uninteligible....until my co-worker one day, comes busting into the lab and says, "Why is it, that all I hear when I pass a large group of them when they are talking, the only thing it sounds like is they are saying the word pelican repeatidly, very quickly, and in various voice intonations?" From that point, It is all I hear, I have a hard time not laughing very hard when I come across them talking to one another. I probably laughed at that little phrase for about a week strait and I could not work on any of their pc's for that week because of it. SO in conclusion, all I can think of when I see the word pelican, is a bunch of chatty indian contractors.

it may not be as funny to you as I thought it was, but I still think its hilarious.

HEY! That's RACIST! [/sarcasm]