People OK with murdering Julian Assange

My favorite one's out of the list.

"A dead man can't leak stuff...This guy's a traitor, he's treasonous, and he has broken every law of the United States. And I'm not for the death penalty, so...there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a bitch."

-Bob Beckel

"If legal attacks on Assange fail, he'll simply be assassinated by the CIA."

-Paul Craig Roberts

"I won't think twice if Julian Assange meets the cold blade of an assassin..."

-Donald Douglas
I like the part where he doesn't live in the United States so our laws mean jack shit.
I like the part where if he is assassinated, a flood release of a lot of unreleased content (wikileaks) will follow
most of those quotes are from butt mad fags who can't handle something not going the way they expected it,
their empty words mean nothing

this is interesting if you have some extra time