Pointlessly late introduction.


Active Member
My name is Jaffl3 and I'm an alcoholic. :D

But no.
I played on the classic server for ages about a year ago... got bored at Christmas, bought the full game, and here I am.
I'm not new at all, don't really post on the forums much though.

Anyway. That'll be all I suppose.
Good evening.
I was wondering, is there a thread to post videos we make on the survival server? Or in fact any server..
Or are we not allowed to advertise them? Our town were just gonna do a series showing progression and stuff, would be nice to share them with anyone who gives a shit, lol.
Make a thread under MC survival for your town. Its your thread, do what you like there :D
Ok cool :geek:
I'll have a look around to see if anyone else has already started that kind of thread or something.
ohai and welcome to team9000! :D

much love,
the not so drun- .... alcoholic? YAAAAY!

what's your fave beer/drink/w.e? :D <3
Haha, it's nice to be here.
I'm a cider guy, really can't drink lager.. tastes like carbonated piss to me, but each to their own. What about you?
(P.S, I'm not actually an alcoholic. Don't want to start any kind of reputation ;) ahem.)
Haha, it's nice to be here.
I'm a cider guy, really can't drink lager.. tastes like carbonated piss to me, but each to their own. What about you?
(P.S, I'm not actually an alcoholic. Don't want to start any kind of reputation ;) ahem.)

this will always be my fave beer <3

besides that i drink.. kinda everything :D
Oh nice, I don't think we have that in England.. If we do I've never seen it anyway.
I have to say, Crabbies will always come above cider for me. The one with a hint of orange... shit son. It's like tiny angels having a wild orgy on your tongue. Sounds uncomfortable, but it's amazing :eek:
Oh nice, I don't think we have that in England.. If we do I've never seen it anyway.
I have to say, Crabbies will always come above cider for me. The one with a hint of orange... shit son. It's like tiny angels having a wild orgy on your tongue. Sounds uncomfortable, but it's amazing :eek:
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Excuse the necro, but have you tried Old Tom's Strong Ginger Ale?


And if you can manage to source it from Australia, make sure to try out Lick Pier.

Excuse the necro, but have you tried Old Tom's Strong Ginger Ale?


And if you can manage to source it from Australia, make sure to try out Lick Pier.

Alcohol is a good enough reason to resurrect anything.
I'm pretty sure I've hear of Old Tom's.. I don't think I've ever tried it though, the next time I see it somewhere I'll make sure to grab a bottle. And the same with Lick Pier. If I ever make the long flight down to Australia (which I hopefully will one day) I'll try to remember to have some.

I tried some other kind of ginger beer a few years ago and it wasn't great.. I wish I could remember what it was called. It really didn't have much of a ginger taste at all. I'll update with a picture if I find one. :D

Edit: Also I'm sorry Coulometry, it appears I called you 'sir' up there..
Alcohol is a good enough reason to resurrect anything.

This is true.

I'm pretty sure I've hear of Old Tom's.. I don't think I've ever tried it though, the next time I see it somewhere I'll make sure to grab a bottle. And the same with Lick Pier. If I ever make the long flight down to Australia (which I hopefully will one day) I'll try to remember to have some.

I remember Old Tom's having quite a bit of a kick to it, or perhaps I picked up a limited run overproof. In terms of its flavour, it was subtle and lacked a bit of carbonation, Lick Pier on the other hand was almost perfect in every way.

Some days I crave it, and could swear that it contains something illicit. :D
This is true.

I remember Old Tom's having quite a bit of a kick to it, or perhaps I picked up a limited run overproof. In terms of its flavour, it was subtle and lacked a bit of carbonation, Lick Pier on the other hand was almost perfect in every way.

Some days I crave it, and could swear that it contains something illicit. :D

Haha yeah, Crabbies is the same for me. It just tastes perfect, especially after the particularly shit ginger beer I tried first. I used to drink non-alcoholic ginger beer when I was younger, which is still one of my favourite drinks:
old jamaica.jpg

When I found out there was alcoholic ginger beer too I could just imagine how it would taste.. Crabbies is pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. It was like my dreams being revived after being crushed by the first disappointing brand.
Haha yeah, Crabbies is the same for me. It just tastes perfect, especially after the particularly shit ginger beer I tried first. I used to drink non-alcoholic ginger beer when I was younger, which is still one of my favourite drinks:
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When I found out there was alcoholic ginger beer too I could just imagine how it would taste.. Crabbies is pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. It was like my dreams being revived after being crushed by the first disappointing brand.

I'll make sure to look out for some.