Pokemon GO


Well-Known Member
How are people enjoying the game? Practically everyone I know is playing it.

I haven't caught any tanky Pokemon yet, but my favorite so far (due to his blank expression) :
My experience so far has been every day I take the initiative to actually go to a park or a hike the servers take an immediate dump and die. Then when I finally give up and head back home they suddenly go back up again. Has happened 4 different times since release. I've probably "tried" playing it for a good 7 hours and have gotten a total of maybe 2 hours of actual play time out of it.

10/10 would recommend Its actually fucking addicting, fun and is like an abusive relationship that ignores me but I keep wanting its attention.
Yeah, if it weren't for the server issues and 90 degree weather, I'd be a lot more active.
How am I enjoying the game? I don't. Pokemon Go is officially banned in my country, in France...

(I'm still alive by the way)

Edit: the game is finally released here, but... "this application is not compatible with any device"...
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I live about a tenth of a mile from a public library that has 6 pokestops and 2 gyms. There will be at least 15 to 20 cars at the library in the evening with people all playing pokemon GO. There are still cars around until about 1 am then it gets pretty thin (But still at least 1 or 2 cars parked and people driving in to get the stops)

It's pretty cool because there's always at least 1 person that's walking around alone so I can just go up to them and become insta bros and hunt pokemon for a while if I have nothing to do.
I do! I have lots to do and I only play every few days so it's a much slower climb for me than most.